Cataloging and Metadata Management Section Committee Files (Digital Surrogates)
Digital surrogates of files of Cataloging and Metadata Management Section committees and subcommittees, contains correspondence, reports and related material on projects and activities, committees include the Board on Personnel Administration and committees on Cataloging and Classification, Descriptive Cataloging, Dewey Decimal Classification, Committee on Cooperation with Lake Placid Foundation (1929-1948), Editorial Policy, Filing Rules, Policy and Research (1982-1992), Regional Groups, Relations with ALA and the Journal of Cataloging and Classification, Subject Analysis and Organization of Library Materials (1970-98), the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) (1979-94), and the Joint Steering Committee on AACR2 (1988-94), includes Gordon & Breach vs. Barschall litigation (1989-90).