The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.
The bronze tablets list the names of students who graduated in the top 3% of their class from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Gordon Dean Ginder
Betty Ann Goben
Mary Kathryn Godar
Deborah Jean Gullang
Daniel Dillon Haas
Richard Arthur Hanes
Sharon Safford Harty
Beverly K. Haselhorst
Thomas R. Hepperly
Bryon Mark Higgins
Allan Scott Holaday
Bruce Alan Huber
Robert Milton Jecmen
Vicki Siegelman Katz
Laura Jean Kendrick
Stanley Paul Kerr
James Lester Kesler
Charles Allen Klein
Alice Joan Kleiss
Beverly Ann Koch
Wayne Allan Koonce
Lucy Ann Krolak
Louisa May Krusack
David R. Lancaster
Charles Ray Lane
Dale Bradley Larson
Kristine Garmager Larson
Wilbur R. Leopold, III
James Peter Leritz
Kenneth W. Lindquist
William C. Lindquist
Daniel E. Little
Stuart Fredric Lubin
Paula Ann Lunde
Paul Edward Marshall
Marsha Massingill
Marjorie L. Masters
Sheldon H. Matthews
Martha F. Maxwell
Bonnie Kay Meng
Connie Fay Meng
Gary J. Miller
Diane Elaine Moore
Mary Lou Mueller
John Hartzell Munz
John Riley Myers
Richard D. Nosek
Randall Scott O'Hare
Sandra Mae Ohman
David Moore Parks
Terry Allan Patinkin
Kathleen Ann Perino
George A. Peterson
Larry Dean Peterson
Robert T. Peterson
Roy Asberg Peterson
James C. Plondke
Denise Elaine Reem
David Lawrence Reiner
Peggy Rose Reuler
Laurel Ann Richards
Claudia Rae Rickert
Gary Kipp Ritcher
Terrill K. Rosborough
Mark E. Roszkowski
David Bruce Rottman
Brian Wayne Ruddel
Kathryn (Kay) Lutz Rundell
James E. Rutledge
Marsha M. Rybski
Sharon Ann Safford
Michael Jay Schaller
Daniel R. Schoenberg
Brenda Lee Sherey
Gary Slutkin
Michael W. Sonnemaker
Edward H. Southon
Suzanne P. Spangler
Bonnie Brady Stanley
Joyce Ann Starr
Ronald Wayne Steffen
James Joseph Stoller
Audrey Lynn Strang
William J. Sudlow
Paula C. Swain
William Michael Taylor
Joyce Starr Trigger
Franklin David Ubell
Ross Byron Anderson
Mary Lou Asselmeier
Nelson Edward Balke
Dennis G. Bardelmeier
James Michael Barton
Kathryn G. Belsley
Joel Emanuel Berger
Ronald C. Berman
Mark R. Bertoglio
Rita Jean Biolchini
Bernhard Emile Blom
Evelyn Rose Bowen
Bonnie Jean Brady
Cynthia M. Breeze
Laura E. Briggs
Peggy Renee Bright
Erica Brotman
Jeffrey Paul Brown
Roger Mark Brown
Mary Ann Bushman
James Lap-Chi Chan
Wai Kung Chan
Patrick John Chesley
Patricia Alison M. Darken
Larua Rebecca Davis
Randy Lee Diehl
Suzanne S. Dohren
David Joseph Douglas
Gloria V. Dowling
John Leslie Eisel
Jeffrey James Ellis
Jerome Joseph Epplin
Bruce Edward Frazin
Daniel Leroy Fuller
Kim Francis Fuller
James Loraine Funk
John Edwin Giles
Raymond C. Vaseleski
Rebecca L. W. Wachtel
Betty Ann Walton
Laura Lee Watson
Penny Sue Weber
Margaret Sue Weil
Peggy B. Weinberg
Rebecca Lynn Weisel
Michael C. Weishar
Douglas Earl Winter
James Ernest Wiss
Patrick M. Worsham
James P. Yesinowski
Gregory William Zack
Deborah Hartman Zancho
Marilyn M. Zoellick.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Registrar.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Library
Photography: Chris Brown Photography
University Honors are inscribed on bronze tablets which are on permanent display in the first floor corridor of the University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The bronze tablets list the names of students who graduated in the top 3% of their class from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Gordon Dean Ginder
Betty Ann Goben
Mary Kathryn Godar
Deborah Jean Gullang
Daniel Dillon Haas
Richard Arthur Hanes
Sharon Safford Harty
Beverly K. Haselhorst
Thomas R. Hepperly
Bryon Mark Higgins
Allan Scott Holaday
Bruce Alan Huber
Robert Milton Jecmen
Vicki Siegelman Katz
Laura Jean Kendrick
Stanley Paul Kerr
James Lester Kesler
Charles Allen Klein
Alice Joan Kleiss
Beverly Ann Koch
Wayne Allan Koonce
Lucy Ann Krolak
Louisa May Krusack
David R. Lancaster
Charles Ray Lane
Dale Bradley Larson
Kristine Garmager Larson
Wilbur R. Leopold, III
James Peter Leritz
Kenneth W. Lindquist
William C. Lindquist
Daniel E. Little
Stuart Fredric Lubin
Paula Ann Lunde
Paul Edward Marshall
Marsha Massingill
Marjorie L. Masters
Sheldon H. Matthews
Martha F. Maxwell
Bonnie Kay Meng
Connie Fay Meng
Gary J. Miller
Diane Elaine Moore
Mary Lou Mueller
John Hartzell Munz
John Riley Myers
Richard D. Nosek
Randall Scott O'Hare
Sandra Mae Ohman
David Moore Parks
Terry Allan Patinkin
Kathleen Ann Perino
George A. Peterson
Larry Dean Peterson
Robert T. Peterson
Roy Asberg Peterson
James C. Plondke
Denise Elaine Reem
David Lawrence Reiner
Peggy Rose Reuler
Laurel Ann Richards
Claudia Rae Rickert
Gary Kipp Ritcher
Terrill K. Rosborough
Mark E. Roszkowski
David Bruce Rottman
Brian Wayne Ruddel
Kathryn (Kay) Lutz Rundell
James E. Rutledge
Marsha M. Rybski
Sharon Ann Safford
Michael Jay Schaller
Daniel R. Schoenberg
Brenda Lee Sherey
Gary Slutkin
Michael W. Sonnemaker
Edward H. Southon
Suzanne P. Spangler
Bonnie Brady Stanley
Joyce Ann Starr
Ronald Wayne Steffen
James Joseph Stoller
Audrey Lynn Strang
William J. Sudlow
Paula C. Swain
William Michael Taylor
Joyce Starr Trigger
Franklin David Ubell
Ross Byron Anderson
Mary Lou Asselmeier
Nelson Edward Balke
Dennis G. Bardelmeier
James Michael Barton
Kathryn G. Belsley
Joel Emanuel Berger
Ronald C. Berman
Mark R. Bertoglio
Rita Jean Biolchini
Bernhard Emile Blom
Evelyn Rose Bowen
Bonnie Jean Brady
Cynthia M. Breeze
Laura E. Briggs
Peggy Renee Bright
Erica Brotman
Jeffrey Paul Brown
Roger Mark Brown
Mary Ann Bushman
James Lap-Chi Chan
Wai Kung Chan
Patrick John Chesley
Patricia Alison M. Darken
Larua Rebecca Davis
Randy Lee Diehl
Suzanne S. Dohren
David Joseph Douglas
Gloria V. Dowling
John Leslie Eisel
Jeffrey James Ellis
Jerome Joseph Epplin
Bruce Edward Frazin
Daniel Leroy Fuller
Kim Francis Fuller
James Loraine Funk
John Edwin Giles
Raymond C. Vaseleski
Rebecca L. W. Wachtel
Betty Ann Walton
Laura Lee Watson
Penny Sue Weber
Margaret Sue Weil
Peggy B. Weinberg
Rebecca Lynn Weisel
Michael C. Weishar
Douglas Earl Winter
James Ernest Wiss
Patrick M. Worsham
James P. Yesinowski
Gregory William Zack
Deborah Hartman Zancho
Marilyn M. Zoellick.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Registrar.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Library
Photography: Chris Brown Photography
University Honors are inscribed on bronze tablets which are on permanent display in the first floor corridor of the University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Registrar. (1971). 1971 University Honors. University Honors — the Bronze Tablets, University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library.