The items in the Digital Collections of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library contain materials which represent or depict sensitive topics or were written from perspectives using outdated or biased language. The Library condemns discrimination and hatred on any grounds. As a research library that supports the mission and values of this land grant institution, it is incumbent upon the University Library to preserve, describe, and provide access to materials to accurately document our past, support learning about it, and effect change in the present. In accordance with the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read statement, we do not censor our materials or prevent patrons from accessing them.
The bronze tablets list the names of students who graduated in the top 3% of their class from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Mary Grace Cormier
James Nolan Correll
Cindy Joan Cracraft-McKinney
Dennis Lee Craig
Dale Eugene Crawford
Randall A. Deruiter
Carolyn Joyce Dold
Edward G. Dolezal
Timothy R. Dooling
Diane Clare Drent
Carrie Driesbach
Barbara Lynn Edstrom
Joseph Patrick Egan, Jr.
Michael D. Engelhardt
Ann Elizabeth Fagan
Edward W. Feldman
Larry Allen Finley
Ruth Ellen Fliegel
Mary Kay Floeter
Gerald Patrick Forbeck
Thomas R. Frederick
Julie Anne Fremder
Nancy Lynn Gantt
Thomas Joseph Gavin
Laura Lynn Geddeis
Kurt F. Gehlbach
Lorene Mary George
Mary Faye Gerling
Gary Lee Gernand
Sharon Kay Giertz
Richard W. Gladhill
Deborah Ellen Going
Geoffrey S. Gongwer
Donita C. Gray
Donald Ray Halley
Timothy George Henn
Mary Anne Hennessy
Kimberly Sue Henss
Nancy Clare Bailey Hirschman
James R. Hochschild
Dieter F. Hoffmann, Jr.
Shawn Jay Holliday
Robert W. Holloway
Vivian Hsiong
Keith Harvey Ifft
Sheryl Sue Itkin
John E. Jankousky
Diane Marie Jenkins
Jerry Jay Jeter
Jeanna Anne Jipson
Marilyn M. Johnson
James Randall Johnston
Linda Kay Jones
Randall Scott Jones
Robert Shedd Juckett
Robin Fern Kane
Judith Pearl Kaplan
Teresa Ann Kent
Won Sub Kim
Michael J. Kinkelaar
John Drew Kirchhofer
Kenneth A. Kirchoefer
Ann Katherine Kirk
Lauri Ellen Kleiman
Barbara Ann Klein
Myra Fae Komen
Laura Ann Kragie
Philip R. Krause
Bruce Scott Kreisman
Tiina Ann Kriisa
Craig Allan Kroeger
John Paul Kunz
Ronald R. Lagnado
George L. Lampros
James Andrew Langan
David L. Leslie
Della Ming Lin
John Michael Linder
Judy Beth Majors
Dale S. Margerum
Patrick Joseph Marry
Carol Jean Martin
Julia Ann Martin
Thomas Stanley Marx
Kevin John Maxwell
Michael Alan Mazius
Chester A. McFarland
Janet W. McGrath
Scott Lehn McMillen
Judith Ann McMurdie
Mary Lynn Meyer
Kenneth Glenn Miller
Philip W. Mitchell
Joseph Martin Murphy
Steven Paul Musgrave
Sara Lynn Newberger
Romana Angelika Nowak
Nancy Lee Olson
Anne M. Pachciarek
Sandra L. A. Padjen
Tonise Corina Paul
Peter Lynn Perkins
Debbi Lynn Perrino
Joel Picus
David Lytle Piercy
Karen Sue Pignataro
Paul Wray Poorman
Sarah Lynn Porter
Martin F. Pricco
Jane Frances Riley
Tamara R. Rippelmeyer
Donald F. Rogers
Charles K. Rosenberg
Ellyn C. Rothenberg
James W. Schaffer
Linda Gail Schub
Johanna D. Schuman
Douglas Edward Scott
Daniel P. Shapiro
Wynn Sheade
Louise Allen Shearer
Patricia Ann Sherry
Phyllis Ann Shibata
Ora Tzivia Simon
James Christopher Smith
Craig Alan Stern
John Peter Stirniman
Bruce R. Stoffel
Scott Alan Strauss
Mary Helen Strobel
Lew Anthony Sur
Robert Joseph Svatos
Barbara J. Swain
Ross D. Tannebaum
Barry Wayne Taylor
Kerry S. Teplinsky
Lynn Eileen Thomas
Mark Alan Thompson
Stephen Albin Turbak
Scott Allen Tuthill
Jane Ellen Tzinberg
Mary Faye G. Vasen
Robert Alan Vladova
Jeanne Anne Ward
Ann Weber
Brent William Weiss
Dennis Ray Wendte
Everett V. Westmeyer
Diane Winston
Gregory Jay Withers
Zachary Raymond Wolf
Kimberlee Sue Wood
Lee Myers Yarbrough
Mary Lisa Yaremko
Bruce Paul Zavon
Bernard H. Zurn, Jr.
Richard H. Clarida
Randall Allen Clary
Christine M. Coffey
Michael Charles Connelly
Lee Ann Aalund
Michael J. Alderson
Bruce Carroll Allen
Diane Marie Amann
Sandra L. Anderson
William Parry Bahnfleth
Nancy Clare Bailey
Paul Gordon Baits
Margaret Ann Basolo
Dennis Jay Baumgardner
Steven Roland H. Beach
Debra Jayne Becker
Lauren Kay Benninger
Susan Joy Berman
Kim Finnell Blair
Teresa Kent Bloemer
Edward C. Bodmer
Steve Alan Bogen
Christopher P. Bowen
Donald David Bradley
John David Brofman
Beverly Sue Bunch
Robert Joseph Bury
Steven Vincent Campbell
Raymond H. Chou
Kathy Christianson
Philip Eric Chung
James John Clanahan
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Registrar.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Library
Photography: Chris Brown Photography
University Honors are inscribed on bronze tablets which are on permanent display in the first floor corridor of the University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The bronze tablets list the names of students who graduated in the top 3% of their class from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Mary Grace Cormier
James Nolan Correll
Cindy Joan Cracraft-McKinney
Dennis Lee Craig
Dale Eugene Crawford
Randall A. Deruiter
Carolyn Joyce Dold
Edward G. Dolezal
Timothy R. Dooling
Diane Clare Drent
Carrie Driesbach
Barbara Lynn Edstrom
Joseph Patrick Egan, Jr.
Michael D. Engelhardt
Ann Elizabeth Fagan
Edward W. Feldman
Larry Allen Finley
Ruth Ellen Fliegel
Mary Kay Floeter
Gerald Patrick Forbeck
Thomas R. Frederick
Julie Anne Fremder
Nancy Lynn Gantt
Thomas Joseph Gavin
Laura Lynn Geddeis
Kurt F. Gehlbach
Lorene Mary George
Mary Faye Gerling
Gary Lee Gernand
Sharon Kay Giertz
Richard W. Gladhill
Deborah Ellen Going
Geoffrey S. Gongwer
Donita C. Gray
Donald Ray Halley
Timothy George Henn
Mary Anne Hennessy
Kimberly Sue Henss
Nancy Clare Bailey Hirschman
James R. Hochschild
Dieter F. Hoffmann, Jr.
Shawn Jay Holliday
Robert W. Holloway
Vivian Hsiong
Keith Harvey Ifft
Sheryl Sue Itkin
John E. Jankousky
Diane Marie Jenkins
Jerry Jay Jeter
Jeanna Anne Jipson
Marilyn M. Johnson
James Randall Johnston
Linda Kay Jones
Randall Scott Jones
Robert Shedd Juckett
Robin Fern Kane
Judith Pearl Kaplan
Teresa Ann Kent
Won Sub Kim
Michael J. Kinkelaar
John Drew Kirchhofer
Kenneth A. Kirchoefer
Ann Katherine Kirk
Lauri Ellen Kleiman
Barbara Ann Klein
Myra Fae Komen
Laura Ann Kragie
Philip R. Krause
Bruce Scott Kreisman
Tiina Ann Kriisa
Craig Allan Kroeger
John Paul Kunz
Ronald R. Lagnado
George L. Lampros
James Andrew Langan
David L. Leslie
Della Ming Lin
John Michael Linder
Judy Beth Majors
Dale S. Margerum
Patrick Joseph Marry
Carol Jean Martin
Julia Ann Martin
Thomas Stanley Marx
Kevin John Maxwell
Michael Alan Mazius
Chester A. McFarland
Janet W. McGrath
Scott Lehn McMillen
Judith Ann McMurdie
Mary Lynn Meyer
Kenneth Glenn Miller
Philip W. Mitchell
Joseph Martin Murphy
Steven Paul Musgrave
Sara Lynn Newberger
Romana Angelika Nowak
Nancy Lee Olson
Anne M. Pachciarek
Sandra L. A. Padjen
Tonise Corina Paul
Peter Lynn Perkins
Debbi Lynn Perrino
Joel Picus
David Lytle Piercy
Karen Sue Pignataro
Paul Wray Poorman
Sarah Lynn Porter
Martin F. Pricco
Jane Frances Riley
Tamara R. Rippelmeyer
Donald F. Rogers
Charles K. Rosenberg
Ellyn C. Rothenberg
James W. Schaffer
Linda Gail Schub
Johanna D. Schuman
Douglas Edward Scott
Daniel P. Shapiro
Wynn Sheade
Louise Allen Shearer
Patricia Ann Sherry
Phyllis Ann Shibata
Ora Tzivia Simon
James Christopher Smith
Craig Alan Stern
John Peter Stirniman
Bruce R. Stoffel
Scott Alan Strauss
Mary Helen Strobel
Lew Anthony Sur
Robert Joseph Svatos
Barbara J. Swain
Ross D. Tannebaum
Barry Wayne Taylor
Kerry S. Teplinsky
Lynn Eileen Thomas
Mark Alan Thompson
Stephen Albin Turbak
Scott Allen Tuthill
Jane Ellen Tzinberg
Mary Faye G. Vasen
Robert Alan Vladova
Jeanne Anne Ward
Ann Weber
Brent William Weiss
Dennis Ray Wendte
Everett V. Westmeyer
Diane Winston
Gregory Jay Withers
Zachary Raymond Wolf
Kimberlee Sue Wood
Lee Myers Yarbrough
Mary Lisa Yaremko
Bruce Paul Zavon
Bernard H. Zurn, Jr.
Richard H. Clarida
Randall Allen Clary
Christine M. Coffey
Michael Charles Connelly
Lee Ann Aalund
Michael J. Alderson
Bruce Carroll Allen
Diane Marie Amann
Sandra L. Anderson
William Parry Bahnfleth
Nancy Clare Bailey
Paul Gordon Baits
Margaret Ann Basolo
Dennis Jay Baumgardner
Steven Roland H. Beach
Debra Jayne Becker
Lauren Kay Benninger
Susan Joy Berman
Kim Finnell Blair
Teresa Kent Bloemer
Edward C. Bodmer
Steve Alan Bogen
Christopher P. Bowen
Donald David Bradley
John David Brofman
Beverly Sue Bunch
Robert Joseph Bury
Steven Vincent Campbell
Raymond H. Chou
Kathy Christianson
Philip Eric Chung
James John Clanahan
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Office of the Registrar.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Library
Photography: Chris Brown Photography
University Honors are inscribed on bronze tablets which are on permanent display in the first floor corridor of the University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.