University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 201–240 of 617 items
  • Chicago Commons' playground
    Image | 1901 | Picture ChicagoDecember 1901.
  • Residence of F. W. Bryan
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. F. W. Bryan. 1423 Kenilworth Ave., Rogers Park."
  • Two spinning methods
    Image | 1902 | Picture ChicagoMay 1902.
  • St. Louis Browns of 1884
    Image | 1884 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The St. Louis Browns of 1884--the first team ever managed by Comiskey. Players' names, left to right, standing: Strief, McGinnis, O'Neill, Quest, Comiskey, W. Gleason, Nicol
  • Charles A. Comiskey
    Image | 1917 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Old Roman ready for a hike in the northern woods (1917)." From text: "Wherever the Sox go, at trainload of camp followers are certain to be on the trail. Many found it inconvenient to go in the spring. For these 'Commy' instituted the annual fall hegiras to the northern woods. Prominent men in all walks of life and from different sections of the country have be...
  • Comiskey's Chicago team of 1900
    Image | 1900 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Comiskey's first American League team in Chicago: pennant-winners in 1900. Upper row, left to right: Fisher, Dillard, Isbell, Denzer, Patterson. Middle row: Brain, Hartman, Padden, Comiskey, Shearon, Sugden, Wood. Lower row: O'Leary, Shugart, Hoy, H. McFarland."
  • Joseph Schlossberg
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Joseph Schlossberg, General Secretary-Treasurer".
  • Jacob S. Potofsky
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Jacob S. Potofsky, Assistant General Secretary-Treasurer". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Striking clothing workers parade
    Image | 1915 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "15,000 Striking Clothing Workers on Parade October 12, 1915". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Organizing staff for 1919 campaign
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Organizing Staff--1919 Campaign". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Comiskey and White Sox spring training train
    Image | 1919 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Charles A. Comiskey has the distinction of being the first club-owner to use special trains to carry his players across the country. In this wintry picture, "Commy" is shown standing in the snow in Chicago just before the White Sox palace-on-wheels left on the spring training trip. Standing to the right of the Old Roman is James J. Callahan
  • Ferguson Fountain of the Great Lakes
    Image | 1913 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Ferguson Fountain of the Great Lakes."
  • The Push-o-mobile
    Image | 1903 | Picture ChicagoMay 1903.
  • Hoyne and other strike arbitrators
    Image | 1916 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "State's Attorney Hoyne, representing the strikers in the street car arbitration that resulted in a victory for the men. The other arbitrators, in the order named, are: Mayor Thompson, Attorney James Sheehan and Attorney George W. Miller."
  • Emilio Grandinetti
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoOne of four individuals depicted above caption: "National Organizers, Chicago Campaign, 1919". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Cutters and Trimmers Commission
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Cutters and Trimmers Commission, Hart, Schaffner and Marx, James Mullenbach, Chairman". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Pant Makers Local 144
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers and Executive Board Members, Pant Makers Local 144". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Ellen Gates Starr
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The value of the services of such women during the strike as Ellen Gates Starr, Mrs. Raymond Robins, Jane Addams, Amelia Sears, Mrs. Lillie, Mrs. John Furie, Grace Abbott, and others, was incalculable. Without almost a single important exception the sympathy of the public leaned to the side of the workers and had its effect in weakening and undermining the morale...
  • Library Main Office Chicago Joint Board
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Library Main Office Chicago Joint Board Amalgamated Clothing Workers". From text: "While these large meetings constitute the center of the educational activities of the union, classes for the instruction of small groups have also on occasion been provided. It is the purpose of the Joint Board to facilitate reading and study by the building of a library which has al...
  • A. N. Fisher
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "A. N. Fisher, President, 1920-1921. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Alex Levin
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Alex Levin, Chairman, Board of Directors. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Jackson Boulevard
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Another of Chicago's famous streets. It is paved with asphalt and lined with substantial buildings. The striking facade of the Chicago Board of Trade and the new Post Office Building adorn this thoroughfare. Some portions of Jackson Boulevard resemble the great canyons of lower Manhattan."
  • Post Office
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Post Office The new Post Office Building, one of the most magnificent postal structures in the United States, is located in a square formed by Adams, Clark and Dearborn streets and Jackson Boulevard. The delay in its completion caused many spirited controversies. From this great central station radiate forty-seven carrier stations, four stations without carrier...
  • Public Library
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Chicago's Public Library building bears the reputation of being one of the finest library structures in the world. The interior is exquisitely finished in marble, mother-of-pearl and onyx. It is situated on Michigan Avenue between Randolph and Washington streets, and commands a view of Lake Michigan. Upon its shelves are more than three hundred thousand volumes. He...
  • Art Institute
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "This structure stands on the lake front facing Michigan Avenue, near the foot of Adams Street and was erected in 1893 at a cost of $785,000. It contains a rare collection of paintings, statuary and other objects of art. Many wealthy Chicagoans take especial pride in this institution and have enriched it by their liberal gifts. It is open to the public on Wednesdays...
  • Field Museum
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Art Building of the famous World's Fair of 1893, is the only one of the white structures preserved in Jackson Park. It had its beginnings as a permanent institution from the contributions of rare articles by exhibitors at the Exposition. It was first intended to be called "The Columbian Museum," but on an endowment of one million dollars from Marshall Field, it...
  • Elijah Peacock
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoAugust 1922.
  • C. D. Peacock
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoAugust 1922.
  • Corner, manufacturing room
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoAugust 1922.
  • George M. Pullman
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoPhotograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • James H. Bowen
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoPhotograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • William F. Coolbaugh
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "William Findlay Coolbaugh's rise and success was for a time phenomenal. He came to Chicago from Burlington, Iowa, with some reputation as a banker, and, though still in the thirties, so conspicuous was he in politics, that he received the Democratic vote for Senator in the Iowa Legislature. Within a few years of his arrival in Chicago, he became president of the ...
  • C. A. Coey's School of Motoring
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoBook cover: "C. A. Coey's School of Motoring 1424-26 Michigan Ave. Chicago"
  • Dearborn Street
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Dearborn Street, the "Sixth Avenue" of Chicago, is one of the city's leading retail business thoroughfares. Here are banks, hotels and cafes in confusing array. It is also noted as a street of outfitters, haberdashers and stores of that type. Finer or handsomer business structures are not to be found on this continent. At one end is Polk Street Depot
  • Benjamin F. Taylor
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Benjamin F. Taylor (Chicago's Poet of the War Period)"
  • Washington Street, west from Dearborn
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Street scenes in the "Bygone Days" Washington Street, Looking West from Dearborn By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". Photograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Arrival of Lincoln's body
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Arrival of Lincoln's Body in Chicago (The Hearse Preceded by White-Robed Girls)"
  • Wilbur F. Storey
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Wilbur F. Storey (Owner and Editor of The Chicago Times)"
  • Masonic Temple
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Masonic Temple, situated at the corner of Randolph and State streets, is two hundred and sixty-five feet high. The number of its tenants would be sufficient to populate a fair sized village. Although not owned by the Masonic Order, several lodges meet here, paying an annual rental for the privilege. It contains fourteen passenger and two freight elevators." Bui...
  • Water Tower
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Water Tower[.] The North Water Works are situated on Chicago Avenue near the lake shore. Here a stone tower, one hundred and sixty feet high, receives water from the lake forced by four engines having a pumping capacity of ninety-nine million gallons daily. The water is conveyed to the tower through a brick tunnel five feet in diameter which extends two miles o...
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