University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 321–360 of 617 items
  • Brake beam department
    Image | 1908 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Brake Beam Department--South". The Chicago Railway Equipment Company was established in 1887, and in its first twenty years of operation it produced and sold over six million brake beams. (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago ) Photograph is included in section on company's Detroit facility.
  • Wellington Hotel
    Image | 1893 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "[Engraved for The Standard Guide Company.] Wellington Hotel, Wabash Ave. and Jackson St. [See "Hotels."]" From text: "Located on Wabash avenue and Jackson street. This hotel, although only known to the public for about one year is now recognized as one of the ultra fashionable hotels of the city. The hotel is magnificently arranged, decorated and furnished in the h...
  • Sidney Hillman
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Sidney Hillman, General President". From text: "Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, was an apprentice cutter in Hart, Schaffner and Marx and a striker in the strike of 1910."
  • Women's Local 275
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers and Executive Board Members Women's Local 275".
  • Lithuanian Coat Makers Local 269
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers and Executive Board Members Lithuanian Coat Makers Local 269".
  • Officers Coat Makers Local 39 and Shop Chairmen
    Image | 1914 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers, Coat Makers Local 39 and Shop Chairmen, Hart, Schaffner and Marx--February, 1914."
  • Residence of Charles Bosch
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. Charles Bosch Fargo Avenue and Birchwood Beach, Birchwood"
  • Moraine Hotel
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Moraine Sheridan Road, Highland Park, Ill." Moraine Hotel on the Lake, designed by architect and former Highland Park mayor W. W. Boyington, and was built from 1893-1900. In 1971 the hotel was demolished and the property used to create Moraine Park. (source: Architectural Resources of Highland Park, Illinois: Northeast Survey Area: A Summary and Inventory. http...
  • Wolf's Point, Chicago, 1832
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Wolf's Point, Chicago, 1832 Near the Site of the North-Western Line Passenger Station, Wells Street, Chicago"
  • Home of Chicago Joint Board
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Site of the New Home of the Chicago Joint Board, Ashland Boulevard and Adams Street."
  • Officers, deputies and delegates
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers, Deputies & Delegates of The Chicago Joint Board Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Jan. 12, 1922."
  • Executive Offices, Chicago Joint Board
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Executive Offices, Chicago Joint Board--Samuel Levin, Manager
  • Residence of Henry H. McKay
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. Henry H. McKay 7204 Sheridan Road, Birchwood"
  • White Sox team of 1906
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The White Sox of 1906, 'The Hitless Wonders,' world's champions. Upper row, left to right, Hart, E. McFarland, Davis, Comiskey, Isbell, Sullivan, White. Middle row: Walsh, Smith, Roth, Hahn, Dundon, Donahue, O'Neill, Tannehill, Rohe. Lower row: Towne, Altrock, Owen, Hallman, Dougherty, Jones, Fiene."
  • Meeting at Hart, Schaffner & Marx
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Trade Board, Hart, Schaffner and Marx: James Mullenbach, Chairman. Deputies representing the Union: Joseph Kaminsky, Joseph Glickman, Morris Spitzer, Oscar Elet, Michael Taylor, Samuel Geier. Deputies representing the Firm: Thomas Harwood, Carl Steffensen, Roy Jacobson, J. W. Washburn. Dolly Chimenti Verrachi on Witness Stand." On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Charles H. Burr
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Charles H. Burr, Secretary-Treasurer. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Homecoming banquet
    Image | 1914 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Homecoming banquet at the conclusion of the world tour--Congress Hotel, Chicago, March 10, 1914." Photographer name is illegible.
  • Residence of Edward H. Uhl
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. Edward H. Uhl 7208 Sheridan Road, Birchwood"
  • Residence of Harry B. Hurd
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. Harry B. Hurd 7214 Sheridan Road, Birchwood"
  • Residence of J. C. Haegele
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. J. C. Haegele 7230 Sheridan Road, Birchwood"
  • May Day celebration 1921
    Image | 1921 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "May Day Celebration May First 1921. Second Regiment Armory. Arranged by the Chicago Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Residence of E. D. Moeng
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. E. D. Moeng. 1054 Columbia Ave., Rogers Park."
  • Plan to straighten Chicago River
    Image | 1921 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Plan to straighten South Branch of Chicago River." From text: "By straightening the river, as the city council has very recently proposed to do, the land lying between Clark Street and the present river channel would be capable of harmonious development along normal rectangular lines. ... Briefly, this report recommends the straightening of the Chicago River betwee...
  • First depot of Galena & Chicago Union Railroad
    Image | 1880-1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The first depot of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Company (now Chicago & Northwestern Railway). This depot stood at the southwest corner of North Canal and West Kinzie streets. It was built in 1848 and was Chicago's first railroad depot. In 1881 the depot was removed. By courtesy of Chicago Historical Society" From text: "It was a one-story frame building loca...
  • M. F. Rittenhouse
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The name of Moses F. Rittenhouse is prominent in connection with the development of the lumber industry in Chicago and in the various sections of the country. His operations have extended widely over the Mississippi valley and he is foremost among those who have been most active in developing the lumber trade of this city."
  • Lewis L. Coburn
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Lewis Larned Coburn was Chicago's pioneer patent lawyer and as a representative of the department of his profession in which he specialized he won national reputation, his ability placing him in the foremost ranks of the patent lawyers of the country. He was, moreover, a man of many personal excellencies whose ability, talents and culture made him the embodiment ...
  • Arthur Farrar
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Arthur Farrar was born December 3, 1837, and died November 2, 1893, yet within this comparatively brief space of time his life wrought for good along many lines. Between his record and the highest ideals there was no discordant element. ... He belonged to that large quota of progressive and capable citizens that New England furnished to Chicago." Image appears to...
  • View of Haymarket Square
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "A view of Haymarket Square."
  • Northwestern University campus view
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "View on campus of Northwestern University, Evanston. A glimpse of Orrington Lunt Library. Courtesy of Northwestern University"
  • Clark T. Hinman
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Clark T. Hinman: First president of Northwestern University". From text: "The first president of the Northwestern University was Dr. Clark T. Hinman, who ... was elected by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 1853. Thus Dr. Hinman's incumbency began before the University had yet decided upon its location, a decision which was made in the following August by the purch...
  • University Club
    Image | 1920 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Mullion-windowed University Club." Located at 76 E. Monroe St.
  • Clark and South Water Streets
    Image | 1860-1869 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Corner Clark and South Water Streets Before the Fire. Original owned by Chicago Historical Society".
  • Terrace Row
    Image | 1860-1869 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Terrace Row on Michigan Avenue Before the Fire". Terrace Row was located where the Auditorium Building now stands (at Michigan Avenue and Congress Boulevard).
  • Henry Field Room
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Henry Field Room, Art Institute: Containing paintings of the Barbizon School"
  • Street scene in the ghetto
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoScene is not identified but is likely of the Maxwell Street market, on the Near West Side.
  • School of Education, University of Chicago
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoThe School of Education building, at 1362 E. 59th Street, is now called Emmons Blaine Hall, and houses the Lower School of the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools.
  • Chicago and Northwestern terminal
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Passenger Terminal, Chicago Chicago and North Western Railway"
  • Women's room in safe deposit vaults
    Image | 1902 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "At the left is a reception room for women, furnished quite in the style of a similar apartment in a luxurious residence. A uniformed maid is in attendance, the huge mahogany table in the center of a splendid rug contains a score of late magazines, and the chairs invite the visitor to rest and read. At one side of the room is an open fireplace topped with a marble...
  • Peoples Gas Building
    Image | 1920 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Beauty and Business." View is looking northwest, from the Art Institute of Chicago, towards the Peoples Gas Building located at 122 S. Michigan Avenue. The Pullman Building appears at left.
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