University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library
Showing 1–4 of 4 items
  • Rev. Robert Collyer
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Quite a few interesting legends have grown up around this brainy and muscular Christian… he preached from the text, 'He that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.'"
  • Dr. Charles Volney Dyer
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Other notables … who arrived in the thirties … [were] ... Dr. C. V. Dyer …" Charles Volney Dyer (1808-1878) was a physician and abolitionist. (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Photograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Deacon Philo Carpenter
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The Deacon (he was deacon emeritus in his last years) came to Chicago in 1832, and was largely instrumental in organizing the First Presbyterian Church. Later he moved to the West Side, and there joined the Third Church. As an ingrained Abolitionist he attended the Anti-Slavery Convention in Cincinnati in 1850..." Image appears to be an enhanced photograph and is...
  • Rev. William Weston Patton
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Another whose work stands out conspicuously is the Rev. W. W. Patton, D.D., of the First Congregational Church. Dr. Patton was an uncompromising Abolitionist." Photograph is undated but appears to be from the 1880s.