University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the University Library

Amos Kennedy Collection

Showing 1–40 of 71 items
  • 1456
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages“Congratulations! mr. president, more children have been murdered during your term than any time the history of these united states. this will be the greatest achievement of your administration.” -- back.
  • Artist Vote
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages
  • Beyond the Great Threshold
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2000“Printed on the occasion of Alberto Casiraghi’s first American exhibition at the SoFA Gallery Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.” -- p.6.
  • Bible as Whipping Stick
    ImageWhipping stick made by shredded pages of the Bible.
  • Blue Sample Book
    Multi-Page Item | 18 pagesDifferent patterns of blue printed on each page.
  • Books
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1996“Caren Heft & Amos Kennedy invite you to a Show & Tell Tea for the book arts. Please bring a book to share.” -- back.
  • Burnt Church
    Multi-Page Item | 22 pagesA structure in the form of a church, constructed of different plies of wood. Church stands on a heavier 43 x 30 cm oval base and both the base and church are covered in strips of biblical text cut from modern published Bibles, and charred. Its roof lifts to reveal a charred Bible which is the King James version, bound in a leatherette cover.
  • Charles A. Wustum Museum
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1997“Come & view the exhibition. In the beginning was the word and books from the permanent collection of the museum. Learn how to make conservation containers for your books.” -- back.
  • Children Don't Count Project
    Multi-Page Item | 63 pages“It takes an entire community to murder a child. An African-American proverb” -- front of each postcard.
  • Christmas Carol
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesPeace -- p.6.
  • Come Make Paper at the Root River Papermill
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 19971:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.” -- back. Book clubs (Discussion groups) Postcard ink
  • Cryptics
    Multi-Page Item | 14 pages | 2002Cloth covered, ribbon holders for six cards in light blue and blue print.
  • The Dancer Moves for All of Us
    ImageLetters "The dancer moves for all of us" are printed on handmade paper.
  • Foemina
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2000“Tears, shreds, pieces of being
  • Generosity
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1997“This collage was built after my second visit to Professor Emeritus Walter Hamady’s tree farm. A tree farm is an act of great generosity.” -- side 2.
  • Happy Kwanzaa
    Image“Happy Kwanzaa. May the spirit of Kwanzaa guide you through each day” -- front.
  • I'll Fly Away
    ImagePoem "I'll fly away" is printed on handmade paper.
  • I wish I Was Wise Before We Met
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2003Christin Loehr’s poem “I wish I was wise before we met” is printed in the pamphlet.
  • King
    Image“Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education. Dr Martin Luther King Jr.” -- front.
  • Lawyers Helping People
    Image | 2003Preamble and mission statement of Alabama Civil Justice Foundation.
  • Let Your Love Be Like the Misty Rain, Coming Softly but Flooding the River
    ImageLet your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river. Madagascar -- front.
  • The Lizard Green
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2000“Printed on the occasion of Alberto Casirghi’s first American exhibition at the SoFA Gallery Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.” -- p.6.
  • Lyrics for Christmas
    ImageLyrics for Christmas. Paul Laurence Dunbar -- front.
  • Lyrics for the Explorer of My Soul
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1996Five poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar’s are printed on the pamphlet.
  • Mado
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2001“Printed on the occasion of Osamu James Nakagawa’s exhibition at the SEPIA International New York, New York, January 12 – February 24, 2001” -- p.6.
  • Make Haste Slowly
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1999Paintings on the pamphlet.
  • Merry Christmas
    Multi-Page Item | 3 pages | 2001Two Christmas poems "Chrismus is A-comin" and "Christmas in the Heart" are printed on the folded leaflet.
  • Metaphors
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2001A High Performance Network Applications Symposium held on 6 April 2001 in Indianapolis, IN.” -- p.6.
  • Moved
    ImageMOVED in red and a drawing of a truck on yellow paper.
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 2000“Niggers not welcome!” -- front.
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 2000“Help us! Students at IU-B want new courses but too many over-paid under-worked deans are too busy lookin’ busy to listen to the students.” -- front.
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 46 pages
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 2000“Talent is tenure.” -- front.
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 2000“Sisters, I aren’t clear what you be after. If women want any more rights than they got, why don’t they just take ’em! Sojourner Truth” -- front.
  • NappyGram
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 2000“Indiana University. We can guarantee you a degree but we can’t guarantee you an education.” -- front.
  • Nguzo Saba
    Multi-Page Item | 10 pagesEight postcards tied together by straw, with seven principles of Kwanzaa printed on the postcards.
  • No. 1, 31 March 2001
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2001“I build books for the glory of my peoples!” -- p.3.
  • No. 2, April 2001
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2001“What is your choice?” -- p.3.
  • No. 3, 2 April 2001
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 2001“Sisters, I aren’t clear what you be after. If women want more rights than they got, why don’ they just…” -- p.3.