University Video File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
Audiovisual digital surrogates of University Videotapes contains digitized color and black and white University videotapes and recorded television programs relating to College Bowl between University of Iowa and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (1960); Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (ca. 1965) ; Illinois Summer Youth Music (1967) ; University Christmas shows by the University of Illinois School of Music (1970-79); John E. Corbally's Addresses on the state of the University (1971-77); TV show "A University on the Move" (1971); a Campus Overview with President Stukel (1997); WILL interview of President B. Joseph White (2005); convocation (2000, 2003); President Clinton's visit to campus (1998; Nobel Prizes (2003); general campus views (2002); an interview with the Provost by students (ca. 1990s); "Illini Spirit" admissions video (1986); U of I History by Matt Olsen; Rose Bowl Pre-Game scenes; and footage Roger Ebert.
Born Digital Records of Public Affairs include video and transcripts of final and rough versions of public affairs videos and short clips of video projects. Important topics include the Crisis Nursery, Ebertfest, Virginial Theater, Illinois Marathon, Alma Restoration, Lincoln Hall Restoration, Engineering Open House, Convocation, student life, and campus b-roll. Also included is a recording of President Barack Obama's speech given at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
See additional digitized materials at:
Films in Box 1-21 and Box 24, tape #27 and #90 from the original holdings have been digitized. For more information, please see this Series main record and finding aid.
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files is available to archives staff at: