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Illustrations for The Fishes of Illinois: painting, 1892-1913

Spatial Coverage
Showing 1–40 of 101 items
  • Pimephales notatus, bluntnose minnow
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOriginal watercolor painting of side view of Pimphales notatus. On front upper left corner in pencil ""2233 Reduce to 4 inches"" lower right corner ""J & E 350"" In pencil on back, ""Pimphales notatus, Max Bihn"" along lower edge. Also on back in red, ""no identification"".
  • Chaenobryttus gulosus, warmouth bass
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUndated original painting, side view of warmouth bass. On back, upper right corner, C. M. Pinkerton, also "Not used in fish book" on front and back in pencil.
  • Umbra limi
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUmbra limi; Central Mudminnow; Original illustration, color. Pencil note, lower left corner "p. 54 Smith's Fishes of Illinois." On back center bottom edge in pencil, "Umbra limi (Kirtland), Max Bihn."
  • Lydia M. Hart's Hadropterus aspro
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesHadropterus aspro; Black-sided Darter. Signed original "L. M. Hart."
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Boleosoma nigrum female
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Boleosoma nigrum; female; Johnny Darter; Unsigned original.
  • Etheostoma jessiae
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesEtheostoma jessiae, Original signed faintly, in pencil "C. M. Pinkerton" in lower right corner. Pencil note in cursive "Rip"? in lower left corner.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Moxostoma macrolepidotum
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesMoxostoma macrolepidotum; common redhorse; signed original ""L. M. Hart"" lower left corner, ink.
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Schilbeodes gyrinus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Schilbeodes gyrinus, Tadpole cat. original. Pencil note lower right corner ""J. & E. 223"" In pencil, script, in upper left corner of back ""C. M. Pinkerton.
  • Abramis chrysoleucas
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesAbramis chrysoleucas ; Golden Shiner. Unsigned original. Pencil note lower right corner "J. & E. 394" and "p. 64 Smith's Fishes of Illinois."
  • Lydia M. Hart's Perca flavescens
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesPerca flavescens; Yellow Perch; Signed original ""L. M. Hart"" lower left corner, ink.
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Esox vermiculatus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Luciris vermiculatus; Esox vermiculatus; Grass Pike in pencil in script, in upper left corner of back ""C. M. Pinkerton"" script matches Pinkerton's handwriting. Very faint pencil note, lower left corner, partially cut off, ""Columbian 1919"" color and B&W prints, color lantern slide.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Fundulus notatus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesFundulus notatus {in negative file} and regular file); Top Minnow. Signed original ""L. M. Hart"" ink, lower left corner. Used in 1920 2nd edition only color print and lantern slide.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Leptops olivaris
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesLeptops olivaris {in negative file}; Flathead Catfish; Mudcat; Signed original, ""L. M. Hart"" lower left corner, in ink. Used in 1920 2nd edition only.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Ictalurus punctatus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesIctalurus punctatus {in negative file}; Channel Catfish Signed original, lower left corner, in ink.
  • Lydia M. (Hart) Green's Notropis lutrensis
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesNotropis lutrensis; Red-Fin Minnow; Unsigned orginal, but on back in script in ink, ""Lydia M. (Hart) Green"" colored drawing; small colored print.
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Ameiurus natalis
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Ameiurus natalis; Yellow Bullhead. On back in pencil in script "C. M. Pinkerton" script similar to Pinkerton's from letters to Forbes. Also color lantern slide.
  • Fundulus dispar (female)
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesFundulus dispar (female). Pencil note in lower left corner ""Rip"" or ""Ry""?
  • Cristivomer namaycush, lake trout
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUnsigned original color painting of lake trout, side view. In pencil, in front lower right corner ""lake trout J. &. E. 782"" upper right corner ""Reduce to 8 1/2 inches"" Note on back in red, "" Great Lake Trout Cristivomer namaycush (Wallbaum) #3299 Not in Fishes of Illinois."
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Aplodinotus grunniens
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Aplodinotus grunniens; Sheepshead; Freshwater Drum; In pencil, in script in upper left corner of back, "C. M. Pinkerton" script resembles that of Pinkerton from her letters to Forbes.
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Notropis whipplii
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Notropis whipplii; Steel-Colored Minnow. Not used in 1908 edition, but in 1920 edition and Sample Plates (1903). In sample plates is called silver-fin minnow. Pencil note on back,upper left corner "C. M. Pinkerton" in cursive, and different from the signatures found in the lower right corner on other Pinkerton items.
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Notropis cornutus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Notropis cornutus; Striped Shiner; Common Shiner; Unsigned original. Pencil note, lower left corner "Rip"?
  • Eupomotis gibbosus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUnsigned, undated original watercolor painting of Eupomotis gibbosus, side view. In upper right corner in pencil, "3250" and "Reduce to 5 inches" On back in pencil "Eupomotis gibbosus."
  • Illustrations for The Fishes of Illinois: painting, 1892-1913
    Multi-Page Item | 118 pages | 1892-1913Items were donated to the University Library from the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS)'s Editors image collection.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Cliola vigilax female
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesCliola vigilax female; Bullhead Minnow; female; signed original painting, ink, lower left corner "L. M. Hart" Pencil note near signature "Rip"?
  • Notropis cayuga
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesNotropis cayuga. Note in pencil in script in lower left corner "Rip" or "Ry"?
  • Fundulus dispar, male
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesFundulus dispar (male). Note in lower left corner in pencil ""Rip"" or ""Ry""?
  • Coregonus clupeiformis, common whitefish
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUnsigned original painting. On back note "Not in Fishes of Illinois."
  • Micropterus dolomieu
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesMicropterus dolomieu, small-mouth black bass. Unsigned original. Pencil note in lower left corner ""Rip"" or ""Ry""?
  • Cyprinus carpio
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesCyprinus carpio, blue carp. Signed original, lower left corner in ink ""L. M. Hart"" On back in upper right corner in pencil script ""L. M. H."" On lower left in pencil ""Columbian 1919."
  • Charlotte M. Pinkerton's Chrosomus erythrogaster
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1903Chrosomus erythrogaster; Southern Redbelly Dace; In pencil in script in upper left corner of back "C. M. Pinkerton," b&W print, color lantern slide.
  • Ictiobus cyprinella
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesIctiobus cyprinellus; Red-mouth Buffalo. Unsigned original. Pencil note along bottom ""Columbian 1919"" indicating it was used in the Columbian Exposition display In pencil in lower right corner, ""J. & E. 261."
  • Lydia M. Hart's Cliola vigilax male
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesCliola vigilax male ; Bullhead minnow; male. Signed original.
  • Amia calva
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesAmia calva, dogfish. Signed underneath and to left of image "L. M. Hart" Note in lower right corner, "J. & E. 155." This image is NOT the image used in 1908 Fishes of Illinois, 1920 2nd edition or 1903 sample plates. No other version found.
  • Acipenser rubicundus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesAcipenser rubicundus; Lake Sturgeon Unsigned original color and B&W prints, color lantern slide.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Catostomus nigricans
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesCatostomus nigricans; Hogsucker. Signed original, lower left corner, ink ""L. M. Hart.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Campostoma anomalum
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1901Campostoma anomalum; Stone-roller; signed original, in ink, lower left, ""L. M. Hart"" Pencil note in lower right corner, ""J. & E. 328.
  • Anguilla chrysypa, American eel
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesUnsigned original ink drawing on cardstock. On front in pencil in lower right corner "don't use" and "574" On back "Anguilla chrysypa" American eel.
  • Eupomotis gibbosus, pumpkinseed
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOriginal watercolor painting of side view of pumpkinseed. Along bottom edge in pencil, "sunfish Eupomotis gibbosus (Lepomis gibbosus)." On back in pencil in upper left "Baldwin."
  • Lydia M. Hart's Lepomis pallidus
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOriginal artwork Lepomis pallidus {in negative file and regular file); Lepomis macrochirus; Bluegill; Signed original color print and lantern slide.
  • Lydia M. Hart's Etheostoma flabellare
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesEtheostoma flabellare ; Fan-tailed Darter; Signed original, lower left corner in ink ""L. M. Hart"" Pencil note in lower left corner ""Rip""?