Chicago harbor
containing historical retrospect ... descriptions of the public buildings, churches
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Descriptive Information
Title | Chicago harbor |
Creator | Baker, Chicago |
Description | From text: "In 1833 Congress made the first appropriation of $30,000 to improve the harbor. The north pier was run out a short distance and a light-house erected. An embankment was made to cut off the river from her old channel, which had previously emptied into the lake near the foot of Madison street. This work was commenced in the summer of 1833, and vigorously pushed forward. In the following spring came a great freshet, which cleaned out the sand from the mouth, and did more work than all the dredges. In successive years additional appropriations were made, amounting in the aggregate to $144,000. In 1839 the work was suspended, the money having been exhausted." |
Date | 1869 |
Type | Photograph |
File Name | chicagohandbookf00chic_raw_0032.jp2 |
Source Page | |
Link to the Full-Text | |
Subject | Harbors |
Coverage-Spatial | The Loop (Chicago, Ill.) |
Coverage-Temporal | 1860-1869 |
Publisher | |
Rights | No Copyright - United States |
Rights Description | Images in this collection were digitized through the University of Illinois Library's participation in the Open Content Alliance and may be used freely. Attribution to the University of Illinois is appreciated. High-resolution images can be downloaded from the Internet Archive at For further information, contact |
Book Title | |
Collection Title | Picture Chicago |
Collection | Picture Chicago |
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Chicago harbor |