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Picture Chicago

Showing 1–40 of 617 items
  • 50-50: Fighting Chicago's Crime Trusts
    Image | 1916Cover of the book,"50-50": Fighting Chicago's Crime Trusts.
  • Abram Winegardner Harris
    Image | 1912Caption: "Abram Winegardner Harris: President of Northwestern University from 1906 until the present time". From text: "The next president of the University was Abram Winegardner Harris, who was elected on February 1st, 1906. Dr. Harris had already served as a college president, and was well equipped for the responsibilities assumed on this occasion. His scholarship and abil...
  • Al Capone
    Image | 1930Caption: "His Favorite Pose" Here is an excellent likeness of Alphonse Capone, the Big Boy of Chicago Gangland, and the greatest gangster that ever lived. When King Al poses for a photograph which isn't often, he always turns his right cheek to the camera. The left one is disfigured by an ugly scar. Legend has it that Capone was struck by a machine gun bullet when he was a s...
  • Alex Levin
    Image | 1922Caption: "Alex Levin, Chairman, Board of Directors. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Alphonse Capone and John Stege
    Image | 1930Caption: "Alphonse Capone, released from a Philadelphia jail, set Chicago on its ears, when he appeared unheralded in the office of John Stege, Commissioner of Detectives, and blandly inquired if he was wanted for anything. Capone with his attorney was then escorted to the Federal building where the same question was put to the United States District Attorney. On the same ni...
  • Ambulance loaded with fire victims
    Image | 1904From text: "While the streets began to crowd for blocks around with weeping and heartbroken persons in mortal terror because of knowledge that loved ones had attended the performance, patrol wagons, ambulances and open wagons hurried the injured to hospitals. Before long they were called upon to perform the more grewsome [sic] task of removing the dead. In wagon loads the la...
  • American Brewing Academy
    Image | 1901Caption: "Amerikanische Brauer-Academie." Writing on building in image: "Wahl & Henius American Brewing Academy Scientific Station for Brewing American Brewers Review." The American Academy of Brewing was founded in 1891 by Robert Wahl and Max Henius, and in 1893 was located at 294 S. Water Street. (Source: Chicago Daily Tribune Feb. 1, 1893.)
  • A. N. Fisher
    Image | 1922Caption: "A. N. Fisher, President, 1920-1921. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Annealing department
    Image | 1908Photograph is included in section on company's Grand Rapids facility.
  • Anton J. Cermak
    Image | 1933From text: "Cermak Was Elected World's Fair Mayor[.] 'I'm glad it was me instead of you.' Thus spoke the man that had been chosen to be Mayor of the city of Chicago during A Century of Progress Exposition on that memorable night of February 15, 1933, in Miami, Florida, when he was felled by an assassin's bullet as he was talking to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt."
  • Archibald Clybourne
    Image | 1910Caption: "Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Clybourne, types of the pioneer By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". Archibald Clybourne (1802-1872), was a butcher and justice of the peace. (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Photograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Armour elevator
    Image | 1906Caption: "The Armour grain elevator is the largest in the city, and belongs to the millionaire meat packer. The owner is noted for his great wheat operations on the Board of Trade. The vast quantities of the actual product in this immense elevator have often been able to turn the market in his favor. The elevator is located on Goose Island in the Chicago River. The combined ...
  • A. R. Parsons
    Image | 1886From text: A. R. Parsons is a medium sized, slimly built man, with a light mustache. By trade he is a printer. He is well educated, thoroughly posted on Socialism, and a fluent and stirring speaker. Unlike Spies, he is cool and calculating, and in his most rabid and inflammatory speeches weighed every word. He was the editor of the Alarm, an English edition of the Arbeiter Z...
  • Arrangements Committee
    Image | 1922May 1922.
  • Arrival of Lincoln's body
    Image | 1910Caption: "Arrival of Lincoln's Body in Chicago (The Hearse Preceded by White-Robed Girls)"
  • Arthur Farrar
    Image | 1912From text: "Arthur Farrar was born December 3, 1837, and died November 2, 1893, yet within this comparatively brief space of time his life wrought for good along many lines. Between his record and the highest ideals there was no discordant element. ... He belonged to that large quota of progressive and capable citizens that New England furnished to Chicago." Image appears to...
  • Art Institute
    Image | 1906Caption: "This structure stands on the lake front facing Michigan Avenue, near the foot of Adams Street and was erected in 1893 at a cost of $785,000. It contains a rare collection of paintings, statuary and other objects of art. Many wealthy Chicagoans take especial pride in this institution and have enriched it by their liberal gifts. It is open to the public on Wednesdays...
  • Art Institute of Chicago
    Image | 1912Caption: ""Art Institute on Michigan Avenue, facing Adams Street. Courtesy of Art Institute of Chicago""
  • Assembling department
    Image | 1908Photograph is included in section on company's Jersey City facility.
  • Auditorium Building
    Image | 1891From text: " Auditorium Tower, the highest building in Chicago. The balcony is 260 feet high, and the observatory tower carries the height up to 275 feet. The flagstaff surmounting this is the highest thing in town--300 feet."
  • August Spies
    Image | 1886From text: "August Spies is a pale-faced, intellectual-looking German, thirty-six years of age. He was born in Hessia and came to this country in 1873. He has been a Socialist all his life, and started a newspaper in support of that cause in 1879. His paper was called the Arbeiter Zeitung, and a sheet was never published which contained matter more revolutionary to the law a...
  • August Spies
    Image | 1887Frontispiece. Handwritten below, "With Compliments A. Spies."
  • Auto pumping engine
    Image | 1919Caption: "Averages 750 gallons per minute. This style of fire equipment replaces horsedrawn apparatus. It is so designed that the hose wagon and pump are combined in the same apparatus, which eliminates one piece of apparatus in the company where it is installed. It is of the latest design and the records show that the men are able to connect to hydrant, stretch 300 feet of ...
  • Bank vaults on main floor
    Image | 1902From text: "At the rear of the banking floor are ten immense vaults in which the money, valuables, and books of the bank are placed at the close of each day's business. If ever anything built by human hands was made impregnable to assault from without, this business vault of the Chicago National Bank certainly was. It stands three stories in height and is clear of the walls ...
  • Barney (Christian P.) Bertsche
    Image | 1916Caption: "Barney' (Christian P.) Bertsche, who guaranteed immunity from arrest to clairvoyants, wiretappers, pickpockets, gunmen and other criminals, at so much per month. As their representative he paid thousands of dollars to the graft syndicate in the detective bureau."
  • Barney Oldfield, Jerry Eller, C. A. Coey
    Image | 1912Caption: "Barney Oldfield, Jerry Eller and C. A. Coey in Mr. Coey's racing car."
  • Battle-Cry of Freedom
    Image | 1910Caption: "Cover of "The Battle-Cry of Freedom" (Written by George F. Root at the Time of Lincoln's Second Call for Troops
  • Benjamin F. Ferguson
    Image | 1913From text: "Benjamin Franklin Ferguson, an old and respected business man of Chicago, died April 10, 1905. By his will, after providing certain small bequests to relatives, he committed to the Northern Trust Company … all his estate, real, personal, and mixed, in trust, for certain uses and purposes ... The Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago are Trustees of the income ...
  • Benjamin F. Taylor
    Image | 1910Caption: "Benjamin F. Taylor (Chicago's Poet of the War Period)"
  • Bernard J. Mullaney
    Image | 1909Bernard J. Mullaney was secretary to the mayor.
  • Bessie Abramowitz
    Image | 1922Caption: "Bessie Abramowitz (Mrs. Sidney Hillman)". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Bion J. Arnold
    Image | 1907From text: "Following the recommendation of the Committee on Local Transportation, the City Council, on the 26th of May, 1902, authorized the Mayor and City Comptroller to execute a contract with Bion J. Arnold, as expert engineer, for the rendering of such services as might be required by the committee ..." Also, "... Bion J. Arnold, expert to the Committee on Local Transpo...
  • Bird's-eye view
    Image | 1908Photograph is included in section on company's Jersey City facility.
  • Bird's eye view of Grant Park
    Image | 1919Caption: "Bird's eye view at night of Grant Park, the façade of the city, the proposed harbor, and the lagoons of the proposed park on the south shore. From a painting by Jules Guerin. Copyright, The Commercial Club of Chicago."
  • Blackstone branch interior
    Image | 1911From text: "This beautiful structure is worthy of particular mention, not only because it is one of the finest and costliest library buildings of its size in the world, but also because it marks the beginning of the branch library system in Chicago. The location is a triangular lot at the intersection of Lake and Washington avenues and Forty-ninth street. .. It is constructe...
  • Board of directors
    Image | 1908Caption: "Board of Directors: E. L. Adreon, John P. Ahrens, Jesse A. Baldwin, E. B. Leigh, F. P. Hays, C. S. Gleed, Albert Blair".
  • Bohemian Coat Makers Local 6
    Image | 1922Caption: "Officers and Executive Board Members Bohemian Coat Makers Local 6". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Bolster department
    Image | 1908Caption: "Bolster Dep't Hydraulic Press Multiple Punch". Photograph is included in section on company's Detroit facility.
  • Bolt and rivet department
    Image | 1908Photograph is included in section on company's Detroit facility.
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