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Picture Chicago

Showing 81–120 of 617 items
  • Chicago harbor
    Image | 1869From text: "In 1833 Congress made the first appropriation of $30,000 to improve the harbor. The north pier was run out a short distance and a light-house erected. An embankment was made to cut off the river from her old channel, which had previously emptied into the lake near the foot of Madison street. This work was commenced in the summer of 1833, and vigorously pushed for...
  • Chicago Homeopathic College
    Image | 1883From text: "The Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, situated on the corner of Wood and York streets, directly opposite the great Cook County Hospital, is one of the most elegant and commodious educational edifices in the city. It is generally conceded to be the largest and best equipped homeopathic building in this country."
  • Chicago in the Fifties
    Image | 1850-1859Caption: "Chicago in the Fifties. Original owned by Chicago Historical Society"
  • Chicago in the Sixties
    Image | 1910Caption: "Bird's-eye view of Chicago in the Sixties"
  • Chicago National Bank
    Image | 1902From text: "When the new building of the Chicago National Bank was projected it was aimed to produce a structure which would immediately suggest to the observer that it was a bank. How well that idea has been carried out by Jenney & Mundie, the architects, it needs but a glance at the bank building to show. Of the Corinthian order of architecture, with ninety feet front on M...
  • Chicago of To-day cover
    Image | 1891Text on cover: "Chicago of To-Day: The Metropolis of the West."
  • Chicago Opera House
    Image | 1893Caption: "[Engraved for The Standard Guide Company.] Entrance to the Chicago Opera House. [See "Amusements."]". From text: "Located in the Chicago Opera House building, a magnificent structure, southwest corner of Clark and Washington streets, opposite the Court-house ... The theatre was built for Mr. Henderson, and arranged with the idea in mind of the subsequent production...
  • Chicago Plan street improvements
    Image | 1919Caption: "Map showing the Chicago Plan improvements proposed for the heart of the city in connection with the central street system."
  • Chicago Public Library
    Image | 1911Caption: "The Chicago Public Library". From text: "The Chicago Public Library is a free public institution, established under the Illinois library law of 1872, and maintained by the city as part of its public educational system. It derives its revenue from an annual library tax of approximately four-tenths of a mill, and is governed by a Board of Directors of nine members ap...
  • The Chicago Riot book cover
    Image | 1886Text on cover: "The Chicago Riot: A record of the Terrible Scenes of May 4, 1886. Chicago and New York: Belford, Clarke & Co., 1886."
  • Chicago River
    Image | 1875Caption: "Chicago River, from Lake Street Bridge."
  • Chicago River
    Image | 1906Caption: "The Chicago River formerly emptied into Lake Michigan, but with the digging of the drainage canal, the current was reversed and the waters now find their way into the Mississippi, much to the disgust of St. Louis, transforming the once ill-smelling stream into a clean river. It is narrow and deep, but easily entered by the largest lake steamers. The question of low...
  • Chicago River before 1871
    Image | 1860-1869Caption: "Looking east from Rush Street bridge in days before the Great Fire, when a forest of masts distinguished the traffic of the Chicago River. Permission of International Harvester Company."
  • Chicago's reconstruction plan cover
    Image | 1919Text on cover: "Chicago America's Greatest and Most Attractive City Burned 1871 -- Rebuilt as by Magic--Now Her Reconstruction Plan".
  • Chicago theatres
    Image | 1930From text: "Chicago is one of the best theatre cities in the land, in number of playhouses, in the variety of entertainments presented, and in point of discriminating patronage. Many high-grade productions originate in Chicago, and practically all current plays of established merit may be seen there during the season. Most of Chicago's theatres are open all year."
  • Chicago The Vacation City book cover
    Image | 1930Text on cover: "Chicago The Vacation City Illinois Center The Road of Travel Luxury". From text: "Grant Park, between East 11th Place, Michigan Boulevard, Randolph Street, and Lake Michigan, is Chicago's down-town playground, 303 acres in extent. … In Grant Park are ... Buckingham Fountain ... [and] ... Ivan Mestrovic's bronze American Indians ..."
  • Chicago Tribune building
    Image | 1869From text: "The new Tribune building [i]s, in every respect, a model of beauty, convenience and comfort, and an ornament to the city. It is located on the corner of Madison and Dearborn streets. It fronts 72 feet on Dearborn, by 121 feet on Madison street, and covers an area of 8,712 square feet. The building is constructed entirely of fire proof materials. It is four storie...
  • Chicago Tribune Building
    Image | 1893Caption: "[Engraved for The Standard Guide Company.] Chicago Tribune Building, Madison and Dearborn Sts. [See "Newspapers."]"
  • Chicago University
    Image | 1850-1859Caption: "Chicago University". From text: "To Stephen A. Douglas is due the credit of founding the first University of Chicago, now known as the Old University of Chicago. In 1856 a number of citizens visited Judge Douglas with plans for a university, and asked him for help. He gave them ten acres of ground lying along Cottage Grove avenue, at Thirty-fourth street, not far f...
  • Chicago Water Works
    Image | 1869From text: "… it was not until Monday, March 25th, 1867, that the water was let into the tunnel to flow through the water pipes and hydrants of the city. On that day the new water works were formally inaugurated by the laying of the corner stone of the new tower, situated about half a block west of the old tower, and since completed to a total height of 130 feet, standing on...
  • Chicago Yacht Club
    Image | 1904Photograph has been vignetted.
  • Chief Ebersold
    Image | 1886Caption: "Chief of Police Ebersold". Ebersold was Chicago's chief of police at the time of the Haymarket violence, on May 4, 1886.
  • Christian Brothers Academy
    Image | 1869From text: "The Academy of the Christian Brothers, on Van Buren street, near Clark, was first opened in the spring of 1868, and has already achieved a very high and deserved celebrity. In the Order of the Christian Brothers, founded for the purpose of devoting themselves to the education of youth, the members are trained especially to fulfill the duties of teachers. How well...
  • Churches
    Image | 1919Caption: "(1) St. James Episcopal (2) Epiphany Episcopal Church (3) Fourth Presbyterian Church (4) New First Congregational Church (5) Oriental Consistory Church (6) St. Paul Episcopal"
  • City Hall and County Courthouse
    Image | 1906Caption: "City Hall and Cook County Court House The administrative offices of the city of Chicago and the court-rooms and offices of Cook County, Illinois, are in this massive building which occupies the entire square bounded by Washington, Clark, La Salle and Randolph streets. It was five years in building and cost six million dollars. The heavy style of architecture gives ...
  • City Hall construction
    Image | 1909Caption: "City Hall foundations nearing completion (View taken February 15, 1909)"
  • Clarendon Beach
    Image | 1916Caption: "Clarendon Beach. Tens of thousands in the water at Clarendon Beach, 1916: 23,000 bathers have visited this single beach in one day. What better argument could possibly be had for the 'Reclamation of the Lake Front for the People'?"
  • Clark and South Water Streets
    Image | 1860-1869Caption: "Corner Clark and South Water Streets Before the Fire. Original owned by Chicago Historical Society".
  • Clark and South Water Streets
    Image | 1910Caption: "Street Scenes Before the War Intersection of Clark and South Water Streets By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society"
  • Clark Street
    Image | 1875Caption: "Clark Street, south from Randolph."
  • Clark Street
    Image | 1906Caption: "Clark Street resembles no other street in the world. Even "The Bowery" lacks many of its fascinating peculiarities. Types of every nation on the earth may be found on this cosmopolitan thoroughfare. Nearly every other building is a "hotel" or a lodging house. Chinatown is located here and the odor of burning opium is even now not unfamiliar in that quarter. Ticket ...
  • Clark T. Hinman
    Image | 1912Caption: "Clark T. Hinman: First president of Northwestern University". From text: "The first president of the Northwestern University was Dr. Clark T. Hinman, who ... was elected by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 1853. Thus Dr. Hinman's incumbency began before the University had yet decided upon its location, a decision which was made in the following August by the purch...
  • Clybourne mansion
    Image | 1910Caption: "The Clybourne Mansion (After a Water-color Painting by Petford) By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society"
  • Col. Benjamin J. Sweet
    Image | 1910Pension Agent after the War) By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". Photograph is undated, but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Col. James A. Mulligan
    Image | 1910Caption: "Col. James A. Mulligan (Commander of "The Irish Brigade") By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". Image appears to be an enhanced photograph.
  • Colonial loom
    Image | 1902From text: "The old Colonial loom of which the museum contains two specimens, was fast in comparison with the more primitive looms, but slow when compared with the youngest of all, the power loom."
  • Comiskey and White Sox spring training train
    Image | 1919at the left is 'Big Ed' Walsh. The sign on the observation car advertises the 'cargo' and its destination. These specials were renowned not only for the luxuriousness of their fittings, but also for the sumptuous assortment of food and drink provided by the Old Roman. The dispatchers ran the trains on special schedules which permitted the travellers to 'visit' on the way."
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