Old College hall
Chicago: its history and its builders, a century of marvelous growth
https://digital.library.illinois.edu/items/ee2a0ba0-1a05-0134-1d6d-0050569601ca-5Images in this collection were digitized through the University of Illinois Library's participation in the Open Content Alliance and may be used freely. Attribution to the University of Illinois is appreciated. High-resolution images can be downloaded from the Internet Archive at www.archive.org. For further information, contact dcc@library.uiuc.edu.
Descriptive Information
Title | Old College hall |
Description | Caption: "This building, which still stands on the campus of Northwestern University, was the original Northwestern University Building. For many years it was used as a preparatory academy to the university, until the Fisk Hall was built. Courtesy of Northwestern University." From text: ""The Northwestern University began the erection of its first building at the northwest corner of Hinman avenue and Davis street in the early part of the summer of 1855. This building is still in existence, having been removed to a location near the lake shore on the campus, and is now known as the "Old College." It was a frame structure, and in the years intervening between that time and this it has undergone a change in its appearance by the addition of a third story, though in the process of the change the roof and tower were reconstructed as they formerly were. The building was not ready for occupancy and use until the fall of the same year, the opening day being November 5, 1855."" The building was struck by lightning in 1973, and subsequently razed. (Source: http://www.library.northwestern.edu/archives/exhibits/architecture/building.php?bid=16) |
Date | 1912 |
Type | Photograph |
File Name | chicagoitshistor02curr_0401a.jp2 |
Source Page | http://www.archive.org/stream/chicagoitshistor02curr#page/332/mode/2up |
Link to the Full-Text | http://hdl.handle.net/10111/UIUCOCA:Serial/chicagoitshistor |
Subject | Universities & colleges |
Coverage-Spatial | Evanston (Ill.) |
Coverage-Temporal | 1910-1919 |
Publisher | |
Rights | No Copyright - United States |
Rights Description | Images in this collection were digitized through the University of Illinois Library's participation in the Open Content Alliance and may be used freely. Attribution to the University of Illinois is appreciated. High-resolution images can be downloaded from the Internet Archive at www.archive.org. For further information, contact dcc@library.uiuc.edu. |
Book Title | Chicago: its history and its builders, a century of marvelous growth |
Author of the Book | Currey, J. Seymour (Josiah Seymour), b. 1844 |
Collection Title | Picture Chicago |
Collection | Picture Chicago |
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Old College hall |