University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 1–40 of 52 items
  • Orrington Lunt
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Orrington Lunt: Early resident of Chicago and Evanston, and liberal benefactor of Northwestern University". From text: "The first subscription made to the Northwestern University was that of Orrington Lunt for five thousand dollars," and "Among the trustees the school must forever be indebted to the wisdom and munificence of the late Grant Goodrich, Orrington Lunt ...
  • Joseph Cummings
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Joseph Cummings: President of Northwestern University from 1881 until his death in 1890". From text: "Before Dr. Joseph Cummings was chosen as president on June 21, 1881, the University had passed through five years of severe financial retrenchment and painful anxieties. ... The financial aspect of the affairs of the University began greatly to improve about this p...
  • Abram Winegardner Harris
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Abram Winegardner Harris: President of Northwestern University from 1906 until the present time". From text: "The next president of the University was Abram Winegardner Harris, who was elected on February 1st, 1906. Dr. Harris had already served as a college president, and was well equipped for the responsibilities assumed on this occasion. His scholarship and abil...
  • Residence of Harlow N. Higinbotham
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoHarlow Higinbotham was president of the World's Columbian Exposition corporation and partner at Marshall Field & Co. (source: Encyclopedia of Chicago)
  • Natural stone canal banks
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Natural stone banks through the 'rock cut'"
  • Art Institute of Chicago
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: ""Art Institute on Michigan Avenue, facing Adams Street. Courtesy of Art Institute of Chicago""
  • Federal Building at Chicago
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Federal Building at Chicago: Begun in 1896, completed in 1905"
  • Cooking class
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Class in cooking--Normal Practice School. By courtesy of the Board of Education".
  • James E. Defebaugh
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "A man of push and enterprise, of promise and of extraordinary great success, a man who worked as very few men have ever labored for themselves, for others or for any cause, a man of action, always aggressive, who stood for big things in every relation, a broadminded man and of the highest type of Christian gentleman--these were some of the expressions which were ...
  • Stephen A. Douglas
    Image | 1856 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Stephen A. Douglas: Photograph taken during his debates with Lincoln in 1856". From text: "In Clark E. Carr's volume entitled 'Stephen A. Douglas,' the author pays this deserved tribute to the memory of Douglas for his services in connection with the University of Chicago in its formative period. 'To the building of a great university in Chicago Senator Douglas dev...
  • Chicago University
    Image | 1850-1859 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Chicago University". From text: "To Stephen A. Douglas is due the credit of founding the first University of Chicago, now known as the Old University of Chicago. In 1856 a number of citizens visited Judge Douglas with plans for a university, and asked him for help. He gave them ten acres of ground lying along Cottage Grove avenue, at Thirty-fourth street, not far f...
  • Municipal Court and Illinois Athletic Club
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Municipal Court and Illinois Athletic Club Buildings" These buildings are located at 116 South Michigan Avenue and 112 South Michigan Avenue.
  • Old College hall
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "This building, which still stands on the campus of Northwestern University, was the original Northwestern University Building. For many years it was used as a preparatory academy to the university, until the Fisk Hall was built. Courtesy of Northwestern University." From text: ""The Northwestern University began the erection of its first building at the northwest c...
  • I & M Canal lock
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Canal lock on Illinois-Michigan Canal"
  • O'Leary House
    Image | 1860-1869 | Picture Chicagoothers scoff at it as a myth. Whatever their cause, the flames spread so rapidly through the neighboring shanties, small frame dwellings and factories, that by the time the first fire engines reached the scene, the wind had carried the fire beyond their control."
  • Physiography laboratory
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Physiography Laboratory--Marshall High School. By courtesy of the Board of Education."
  • Oakland School
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Oakland School--Fortieth Street, near Cottage Grove Avenue. By courtesy of the Board of Education"
  • First depot of Galena & Chicago Union Railroad
    Image | 1880-1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The first depot of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Company (now Chicago & Northwestern Railway). This depot stood at the southwest corner of North Canal and West Kinzie streets. It was built in 1848 and was Chicago's first railroad depot. In 1881 the depot was removed. By courtesy of Chicago Historical Society" From text: "It was a one-story frame building loca...
  • M. F. Rittenhouse
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The name of Moses F. Rittenhouse is prominent in connection with the development of the lumber industry in Chicago and in the various sections of the country. His operations have extended widely over the Mississippi valley and he is foremost among those who have been most active in developing the lumber trade of this city."
  • Lewis L. Coburn
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Lewis Larned Coburn was Chicago's pioneer patent lawyer and as a representative of the department of his profession in which he specialized he won national reputation, his ability placing him in the foremost ranks of the patent lawyers of the country. He was, moreover, a man of many personal excellencies whose ability, talents and culture made him the embodiment ...
  • Arthur Farrar
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Arthur Farrar was born December 3, 1837, and died November 2, 1893, yet within this comparatively brief space of time his life wrought for good along many lines. Between his record and the highest ideals there was no discordant element. ... He belonged to that large quota of progressive and capable citizens that New England furnished to Chicago." Image appears to...
  • View of Haymarket Square
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "A view of Haymarket Square."
  • Northwestern University campus view
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "View on campus of Northwestern University, Evanston. A glimpse of Orrington Lunt Library. Courtesy of Northwestern University"
  • Clark T. Hinman
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Clark T. Hinman: First president of Northwestern University". From text: "The first president of the Northwestern University was Dr. Clark T. Hinman, who ... was elected by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 1853. Thus Dr. Hinman's incumbency began before the University had yet decided upon its location, a decision which was made in the following August by the purch...
  • Clark and South Water Streets
    Image | 1860-1869 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Corner Clark and South Water Streets Before the Fire. Original owned by Chicago Historical Society".
  • Terrace Row
    Image | 1860-1869 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Terrace Row on Michigan Avenue Before the Fire". Terrace Row was located where the Auditorium Building now stands (at Michigan Avenue and Congress Boulevard).
  • Henry Field Room
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Henry Field Room, Art Institute: Containing paintings of the Barbizon School"
  • Street scene in the ghetto
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoScene is not identified but is likely of the Maxwell Street market, on the Near West Side.
  • Residence of Mrs. Potter Palmer
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Potter Palmer of Chicago was a member of the Board of Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition, and his wife, Mrs. Bertha M. Honore Palmer, was president of the Board of Lady Managers."
  • Paul Schulze
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoPaul Schulze was president of the Schulze Baking Company of Chicago.
  • Stiles Burton
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "A resident of Chicago ere the city was incorporated and identified with its commercial interests until after the great fire, when the work of rebuilding the city was substantially completed, Stiles Burton has been termed 'one of the men most honored and esteemed among the early citizens of Chicago.' His portraits hangs in the gallery of the Chicago Historic Socie...
  • Dismissal at noon
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Dismissal at noon--Jirka School. By courtesy of the Board of Education" Jirka Public Day-School for the Deaf was located on 17th between Loomis and Laflin Sts. (Source: The Volta review, Volume 15, Issue 2.)
  • Wendell Phillips High School
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Wendell Phillips High School: Thirty-ninth Street and Prairie Avenue. By courtesy of the Board of Education".
  • Old Fort Dearborn
    Image | 1856 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Old Fort Dearborn with surroundings in 1856. By courtesy of Chicago Historical Society."
  • Teachers' College
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Teachers' College: Sixty-eighth Street and Stewart Avenue. By courtesy of the Board of Education."
  • Group of revenue assessors
    Image | 1863 | Picture ChicagoCaption: ""A. C. Hesing, Martin Kimbell, Fred H. Rolschausen, H. W. Scoville, Reuben Taylor, George Dunlap, John Forsyth, W. R. H. Gray, J. C. Brown, George H. Anderson, Chester L. Root, Peter Page, C. R. Field, William James, C. N. Holden, Bernhard H. Bruns, Andrew Nelson, H. N. Heald, Fred Becker,* Albert W. Weber, Henry N. Stevens, Edward Page, Charles G. Smith, C. B. Sam...
  • Old West Market Hall
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Old West Market Hall: On the site of the present Haymarket Square."
  • Frances E. Willard
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "It is safe to say that no name among the residents of Evanston looms larger on the pages of the country's history than that of Frances Elizabeth Willard. … In 1874, Miss Willard was elected president of the Illinois Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and gave her whole time to the work. In 1883, she projected the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of wh...
  • Ruins of Chicago Postoffice
    Image | 1871 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Ruins of the interior of the Chicago Postoffice after the Great Fire of 1871. By permission of Chicago Historical Society."
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