University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 1–23 of 23 items
  • O'Brien's Art Emporium
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoText in illustration reads: "O'Brien's Art Emporium, 51 State St., Chicago. Artist's materials and decalcomanie designs. Engravings, Chromos and Picture Frames." From text: "O'Brien's Art Emporium.--There is no city in the United States which, to-day, in proportion to its age and population, can boast of so large a number, such hard-working, and such talented artists as the ...
  • Marine Company building
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoThe Marine Company of Chicago, a bank and foreign exchange dealer, was located at the corner of LaSalle and Lake streets.
  • Wood's Museum
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoLettering in illustration reads: "Wood's Museum Randolph street, between Clark and Dearborn." From text: "Col. Wood's Museum [i]s on Randolph street, between Clark and Dearborn streets. It is a handsome marble front, four-story building. It is divided into several large halls, on the second, third, and fourth floors, which are entered by a spacious stair-case, ascending dire...
  • First Baptist Church
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "First Baptist Church, Wabash av., cor. Hubbard court."
  • Kinzie's residence
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The first white man who became a permanent settler here was Mr. John Kinzie, an Indian trader, who crossed the lake from St. Joseph, Michigan, in 1804. He was the founder of the commerce of Chicago … Outside the fort Chicago then consisted of but five houses: first, Mr. Kinzie's, on the north side of the river, opposite the fort..."
  • Fort Dearborn
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "About this time the first fort was erected--a common frontier block-house, which was situated near the site of Rush street bridge, on the south side of the river."
  • Commercial Insurance Company's Building
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoLettering in illustration reads: "Commercial Insurance Company's Building 160 & 162 Washington St. Chicago." Text reads: "We have become so accustomed to look eastward for successful and reliable insurance companies, that we often overlook those at our own doors, which, in all the essentials of solvency, are the peers of any in the land. Among these the Commercial Insurance ...
  • First National Bank Building
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoThe First National Bank was located at the southwest corner of State and Washington streets.
  • Rush Medical College
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Located on the corner of Indiana and North Dearborn street, was established in 1843. The new building, erected in 1857 at a cost of $70,000, is one of the finest educational structures in the West. The College possesses a large and well-selected library, besides ample chemical apparatus, a laboratory, and a museum filled with every needed means of illustration an...
  • M. E. Page & Co. Confectioners
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "M. E. Page & Co. Wholesale Confectioners! 24 Michigan Avenue, Manufacturers of Rock Candy, Gum, Cream and Cordial Work. The Confectionary House of this firm, a cut of which appears on the opposite page, is the largest and most complete concern of the kind in the United States. They occupy the whole of the immense building for the different departments of their bu...
  • Michigan Southern R. R. Depot
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The Michigan Southern, and Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific trains start from the same depot on Van Buren, opposite LaSalle street."
  • Tremont House
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The visitor to Chicago can not fail to be attracted by the splendid and massive structure of the Tremont House, which is centrally located on the corner of Dearborn and Lake streets. This hotel is widely known as one of the most spacious and agreeable in the West. The internal arrangements admirably harmonize with the inviting aspect of the exterior. The Tremont ...
  • Steins Bazaar
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoText in illustration reads: "81 83 City of Paris. Bazaar. M. Campbell's Hair Manufactory. National Bazaar. Steins Bazaar. E. H. Stein." From text: "The City of Paris, [i]n miniature, can be seen by the visitor to Chicago at Stein's unique and elegant bazaar, No. 83 South Clark street. The collection of fancy goods, toys, and elegant ornaments he keeps in stock in this beauti...
  • Field, Leiter & Co's
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Field, Leiter & Co's Establishment." From text: "Dry Goods, Wholesale. Field, Palmer & Leiter, State, N. E. cor. Washington street."
  • Chicago Tribune building
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The new Tribune building [i]s, in every respect, a model of beauty, convenience and comfort, and an ornament to the city. It is located on the corner of Madison and Dearborn streets. It fronts 72 feet on Dearborn, by 121 feet on Madison street, and covers an area of 8,712 square feet. The building is constructed entirely of fire proof materials. It is four storie...
  • Chicago Water Works
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "… it was not until Monday, March 25th, 1867, that the water was let into the tunnel to flow through the water pipes and hydrants of the city. On that day the new water works were formally inaugurated by the laying of the corner stone of the new tower, situated about half a block west of the old tower, and since completed to a total height of 130 feet, standing on...
  • Chamber of Commerce
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Chamber of Commerce--Board of Trade Is located on the corner of Washington and LaSalle streets. Its walls are built of Athens marble, and its dimensions are 93 by 181 feet. It is in the modern Italian style of architecture, and consists of a basement, half beneath the street, and used for business offices
  • Chicago harbor
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "In 1833 Congress made the first appropriation of $30,000 to improve the harbor. The north pier was run out a short distance and a light-house erected. An embankment was made to cut off the river from her old channel, which had previously emptied into the lake near the foot of Madison street. This work was commenced in the summer of 1833, and vigorously pushed for...
  • University of Chicago
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "University of Chicago [i]s located within four miles of the Court House, and on the route of the Cottage Grove horse-cars, within a few steps of the shores of Lake Michigan. It is conducted under the auspices of the Baptist denomination, but is founded on a broad and liberal basis. It is built on a beautiful tract of ground donated by Hon. S. A. Douglas. It was f...
  • Christian Brothers Academy
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The Academy of the Christian Brothers, on Van Buren street, near Clark, was first opened in the spring of 1868, and has already achieved a very high and deserved celebrity. In the Order of the Christian Brothers, founded for the purpose of devoting themselves to the education of youth, the members are trained especially to fulfill the duties of teachers. How well...
  • Merchants Insurance Company building
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "One of the most stately and beautiful edifices in the United States, is the new building of the Merchants Insurance company of Chicago, on the northwest corner of LaSalle and Washington streets. It is five stories in height, and has a frontage of ninety-six and one-third feet on LaSalle street, and a frontage of one hundred and eleven and a half feet on Washingto...
  • Merchants' Farmers', and Mechanics' Savings Bank
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "We give a view of the building occupied by the Merchants', Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank, No. 13 Clark street. This institution was chartered in 1861, and in 1864 removed to its present very appropriate and convenient edifice. The institution is in a highly flourishing condition, and is deservedly popular.""
  • McVicker's Theatre
    Image | 1869 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "McVicker's Theatre is one of the finest structures of the kind in the country. It is situated on Madison street, between State and Dearborn streets. Its cost was over $75,000
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