University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 441–480 of 617 items
  • Executive Offices, Chicago Joint Board
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Executive Offices, Chicago Joint Board--Samuel Levin, Manager
  • Bohemian Coat Makers Local 6
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Officers and Executive Board Members Bohemian Coat Makers Local 6". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Bessie Abramowitz
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Bessie Abramowitz (Mrs. Sidney Hillman)". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Joseph Goldman
    Image | 1922 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Joseph Goldman, President. Officers Chicago Joint Board". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Levi D. Boone
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Other notables of the "Old Guard" who arrived in the thirties, and were for the most part in hale and hearty middle life, were … Levi D. Boone (a stalwart Know-nothing)…" Levi D. Boone (1808-1882) was a doctor, captain in the Black Hawk War, and mayor of Chicago (1855-1856). (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Image is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Thomas Hoyne
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Other notables of the "Old Guard"" who arrived in the thirties, and were for the most part in hale and hearty middle life, were … Thomas Hoyne, …." Thomas Hoyne (1817-1883) was a justice of the peace and mayor of Chicago (1876). (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Image is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Dr. Charles Volney Dyer
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Other notables … who arrived in the thirties … [were] ... Dr. C. V. Dyer …" Charles Volney Dyer (1808-1878) was a physician and abolitionist. (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Photograph is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Judge Mark Skinner
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Other notables … who arrived in the thirties … [were] Judge Mark Skinner …" Mark Skinner (1813-1887) was a Cook County judge and city attorney. (Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.) Photo is undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • View north from Court House dome
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Views from the Court House dome in 1858 Randolph and Clark Streets By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". View is looking north-northeast. The Sherman House hotel appears in foreground
  • Chicago in the Sixties
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Bird's-eye view of Chicago in the Sixties"
  • Call for the Haymarket Meeting
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoText in English and German. Partial transcription: "Attention Workingmen! Great mass-meeting to-night, at 7.30 o'clock at the Haymarket, Randolph St., bet. Desplaines and Halstead. Achtung Arbeiter! Grosse Massen-Versammlung heute Abend, halb 8 Uhr, auf dem Heumarkt, Randolph-Strasse. zwifchen Desplaines u. Halsted-Str."
  • Revenge! Workingmen, to arms!!!
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The famous "Revenge" circular." German title: "Rache! Rache! Arbeiter, zu den Waffen!"
  • Corner of State and Washington
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Corner of State and Washington Streets, showing the Marshall Field establishment[.] Marshall Field's retail dry goods store, the largest in the world, is located at the corner of State and Washington streets. The great Field store extends along State Street to the next block. On the corner fronting the pedestrian from almost any angle, hangs a huge clock which an e...
  • Hon. Joseph E. Gary
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoJudge Gary presided over the trial of the eight anarchists for their alleged involvement in the Haymarket Riot. (Wikipedia entry on Joseph Gary)
  • Siegel, Cooper & Company
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "This is another of the mammoth department stores of Chicago
  • John V. Farwell
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Among somewhat later arrivals (the men of the [eighteen-]forties) … were … J. V. Farwell …" Regarding his support of Rev. Dwight L. Moody: "It seemed as if in the beginning only one among men of note believed in him [Moody]
  • Rev. Dwight L. Moody
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoDwight L. Moody was an evangelist and revivalist, and founded the Chicago (Moody) Bible Institute, ""one of the most successful world centers for missionary training."" Source: Encyclopedia of Chicago.
  • Louis Lingg, the bomb-maker
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Louis Lingg, the bomb-maker. From a Photograph taken by the Police."
  • Terrace Row
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Terrace Row--"The Marble Terrace" The Lake Front By Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society". The Marble Terrace stood on property later occupied by the Auditorium Building.
  • C. A. Coey's School of Motoring
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "The object of our school is to prepare young men throughout the country to become expert chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, salesmen, garage managers, etc. Our president, Mr. C. A. Coey, has been in the automobile business for twelve years, and he is one of the most prominent automobile men in America today."
  • C. A. Coey and Charles Bonaparte
    Image | 1912 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "At the left--C. A. Coey, next to him--Charles Bonaparte, grandson of the late Napoleon the Great." Note: Charles Joseph Bonaparte was in fact a grand nephew of Napoleon 1.
  • William Hale Thompson, Mayor
    Image | 1919 | Picture ChicagoQuotation below: "Let us turn our eyes to the future, with a determination to solve every question of reconstruction and to meet all problems of future progress of our beloved city, in that spirit of loyalty and unselfish helpfulness that has made Chicago one of the wonders of the world and has challenged the admiration of all mankind. For she stands as the living embodiment...
  • Conspiracy meeting
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Conspiracy meeting at 54 West Lake Street. Waller reading Engel's 'plan.'"
  • Armour elevator
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The Armour grain elevator is the largest in the city, and belongs to the millionaire meat packer. The owner is noted for his great wheat operations on the Board of Trade. The vast quantities of the actual product in this immense elevator have often been able to turn the market in his favor. The elevator is located on Goose Island in the Chicago River. The combined ...
  • Stock yards and tower
    Image | 1906 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "All visitors to Chicago are sure to include a trip to the celebrated stock yards during their sojourn in the city. Thousands of head of cattle are slaughtered here daily. The cattle are housed in hundreds of pens covering three hundred and twenty acres. The problem of supplying this immense area with water was solved by the building of a great tower, from which it ...
  • Miss Gretchen Spies
    Image | 1889 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Miss Gretchen Spies: From a Photograph." Sister of anarchist August Spies.
  • Francis F. Browne
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoImage appears to be an enhanced photograph. Undated but appears to be from the 1860s.
  • Michael Schwab
    Image | 1886 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: Michael Schwab is a German, past thirty-five years of age. He was assistant editor of the Arbeiter Zeitung, and a speaker on all occasions of meetings of Anarchists. He always addressed his countrymen in German.
  • Samuel Fielden
    Image | 1886 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "Samuel Fielden is below the medium height, thick set and muscular. His face is swarthy and covered with a heavy beard. His brow is low, his face dull, and his appearance indicates the predominance of the brute. Unlike any of his associates he is a laboring man. He drove a stone wagon, and worked hard for his daily bread. He was kind to his family, and bore a good...
  • Residence of Frank A. Case
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. Frank A. Case. 5842 Sheridan Road, Edgewater."
  • In front of the theater
    Image | 1903 | Picture ChicagoDecember 1903.
  • Miss Nellie Reed
    Image | 1904 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Miss Nellie Reed, Leader of the Flying Ballet, killed by the fire." From text: "Miss Nellie Reed, the principal of the flying ballet, which was in place for its appearance near the top part of the stage, was so badly burned by the flames before she was able to escape that she afterward died at the county hospital. The other members of the flying ballet were not inj...
  • Line of fire victims
    Image | 1904 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "A line of victims of the fire awaiting identification."
  • Residence of John Gately
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. John Gately. 5606 Sheridan Road, Edgewater."
  • Residence of S. H. Gunder
    Image | 1910 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "Residence of Mr. S. H. Gunder. 6219 Sheridan Road, North Edgewater."
  • New two-level bridge
    Image | 1919 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "The new two-level bridge, a part of the Michigan Avenue boulevard link. From the collection of the Chicago Plan Commission."
  • Michigan Avenue looking north
    Image | 1919 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "A view of Michigan Avenue looking north across Grant Park."
  • General perspective looking north
    Image | 1919 | Picture ChicagoCaption: "General perspective looking north, shows area affected by North Michigan Avenue extension. Drawing by A. N. Rebori."
  • Branch reading room
    Image | 1911 | Picture ChicagoFrom text: "A goodly portion of well-chosen juvenile books serves to attract the children of the neighborhood, whose interest is further enlisted by means of an occasional story hour, when stories of the famous myths and heroes of other times and climes are told by an expert children's librarian."
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