University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Illinois and US History Broadsides and Printed Ephemera Collection (Digitized Content)

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Showing 1–40 of 467 items
  • $500 Reward and The Situation, no. 4
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A political campaign two sided leaflet entitled "$500 Reward" and on the reverse side, "The Situation, no. 4" issued by the Socialist Party in Chicago, Illinois. This issue supports the La Follette and Wheeler campaign in 1924.
  • 20 Million Fords
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1931A brochure entitled "20 Million Fords" that documents a brief history of Ford Motor Company.
  • A. B. C. of Socialism
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1924A leaflet entitled, "A. B. C. of Socialism: Declaration of Principles of the Socialist Party," issued by the Socialist Party in Chicago, Illinois. This document presents the Socialist Party ideals, such as "wealth be turned over to the people to be administered for the benefit of all." These principles were adopted in July 1924.
  • Abstract of the Seventh Census report
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1851A pamphlet (pages uncut) entitled "Abstract of the Seventh Census: A Report of the Superintendent of Census" published by the United States Census Office in Washington, D.C. on December 1, 1851. This report was possibly included in the publication of "The Congressional Globe - Extra.
  • Admiral Dewey ball patronesses and managers list
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1900A list of patronesses and managers, possibly for the Admiral Dewey Ball in Chicago, Illinois circa 1900.
  • Admiral George Dewey souvenir program
    Multi-Page Item | 26 pages | 1900A program entitled "Souvenir Programme: Reception and Ball tendered to Admiral George Dewey on his visit to Chicago by the Naval Reserve Veterans' Association, first Regiment Armory" in Chicago, Illinois on May 1, 1900.
  • Admiral of the Navy and Mrs. Dewey ball invitation
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1900An invitation from the City of Chicago to Mr. McGuigan "to meet the Admiral of the Navy and Mrs. Dewey" by attending "a Ball to be given at The Auditorium on Monday evening," in Chicago, Illinois on April 30, 1900.
  • Admission to Boston Juvenile Institution
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1830A pass written for admission to the Juvenile Institution in Boston, signed by the Director on August 5, 1830. The pass lists visitor regulations.
  • Albany Asphalt Composite Company stock certificate
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1872A stock certificate from the Albany Asphalt Composite Company, assigning E. H. Pease two hundred and fifty shares on October 17, 1872.
  • Albany Northern Railroad Company stock certificate
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1854A stock certificate from the Albany Northern Railroad Company assigning E. H. Pease five shares. This copy is signed by the President James A. Wilson and Treasurer L. Green.
  • Alice M. Dickey circular letter
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A letter, dated October 24, 1924, from Alice M. Dickey of the Independent Jones-for-Governor Clubs. Dickey requests that the receiver, a "well known as a supporter of Thurlow Essington, vote for Judge Jones for Governor" and "distribute the enclosed sample women who will use them.
  • The Amateur Adviser, vol. 1, no. 4
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1876An amateur journal entitled "The Amateur Adviser," published in Chicago, Illinois and edited by Franklin A. Reed and Ira P. Rowley. This issue, published July 15, 1876, includes various advertisements and stories.
  • The Amateur's Delight, vol. 1, no. 3
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1877An amateur journal entitled "The Amateur's Delight," published in Tiffin, Ohio and edited by C.A. Moxley. This issue, published in January 1877, includes various advertisements and articles, such as "Newspaper Bores," "Cards," and "Our 'X' Ad.
  • The Amateurs' Progress, vol. 2, no. 1
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1877An amateur journal entitled "The Amateurs' Progress," published in Chicago, Illinois and edited by R. J. Murphy. This issue, published in April 1877, includes various advertisements, puzzles, and articles.
  • American Foreign Policy: A Democratic View
    Multi-Page Item | 16 pages | 1924A pamphlet entitled, “American Foreign Policy: A Democratic View,” by Norman H. Davis, former Undersecretary of State. Davis discusses the differences in the Democrat and Republican Party's foreign policies as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, and the "open official international cooperation" platform of the 1924 Democratic Party.
  • The American Playmate, vol. 1
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1872An amateur journal entitled "The American Playmate," published in Chicago, Illinois and edited by Virgil Liberman and Levi Eliel. This issue, published December 19, 1872, includes various advertisements, stories, music events, and transportation itineraries for young people and collectors.
  • Ann Eliza Tomlinson funeral invitation
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1850An invitation "to attend the Funeral of Mrs. Ann Eliza Tomlinson, wife of [William] Tomlinson, from the Methodist Church." The funeral service was held on Sunday, March 31, 1850, in Alton, Illinois. The invitation is dated March 30, 1850.
  • Annual Meeting of the National Guard and Naval Reserve Association of Illinois
    Multi-Page Item | 28 pages | 1906A pamphlet entitled "Record of Proceedings of Annual Meeting of National Guard and Naval Reserve Association of Illinois, held at Moline, Illinois, June 14, 1906. This document was printed by Republican-Times in Ottawa, Illinois.
  • The Answer, vol. 1, no. 12
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1940A periodical entitled, "The Answer: Keep the White House the Lighthouse of Humanity" edited by James W. Jardine and Don Forsyth in Chicago, Illinois. This publication, dated October 21, 1940, is the "Young Democracy's weekly newsletter to the Illinois Democracy" and includes various advertisements and articles.
  • Art Bartell political campaign advertisement
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1976An advertisement for Republican candidate Art Bartell in his political campaign for Champaign County Board District One. The Champaign County Republican Central Committee promotes the Champaign County Board elections on November 2, 1976 in Champaign, Illinois.
  • Arthur F. Mullen letter
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A circular letter from Attorney Arthur F. Mullen in Omaha, Nebraska to "friends of private education." This letter, dated October 10, 1924, invites "those who are concerned in private schools" to consult the accompanying pamphlet which explains the "foreign language cases recently decided by the supreme court of the United States" and the Republican and Democratic Party pers...
  • Articles of Incorporation of the Chicago, St. Paul and Omaha Railroad Company
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1881A circular letter from the State of Illinois dictating the Articles of Incorporation of the Chicago, St. Paul and Omaha Railroad Company in Kane County. This document was signed by the Board of Directors on September 3, 1881.
  • Atlantic and Great Western Broad Gauge Railway
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1866An advertisement for the Atlantic and Great Western Broad Gauge Railway in 1866-1847. The clipping lists three primary routes to New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and the passenger agents such as Sam A. Lewis, B. Shattuck, and A. J. Wilson.
  • Attorney LeForgee's Opening Address to the Jury in the Small Trial at Waukegan
    Multi-Page Item | 32 pages | 1922A pamphlet entitled "Attorney LeForgee's Opening Address to the Jury in the Small Trial at Waukegan, Friday, May 12, 1922" in which Attorney LeForgee refutes Governor Small’s involvement in stealing money from the Illinois State Treasury when he was State Treasurer in 1917-1919.
  • Banquet to the Inter State National Guard Association by the Illinois National Guard
    Multi-Page Item | 38 pages | 1898A program entitled "Banquet give[n] to the Inter State National Guard Association by the Illinois National Guard" held in Chicago, Illinois at the Great Northern Hotel on December 15, 1898. This program includes a welcome note, menu, and a list of speakers and committee members. 2 copies.
  • Barnum and Richardson Manufacturing Company advertisement
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1878An advertisement for a transportation manufacturing business. Barnum and Richardson Manufacturing Company produced and sold car and locomotive wheels.
  • Best Friend Locomotive
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesA poster entitled "'The Best Friend', the First Locomotive built in the United States for actual service on a Railroad" describing the history of the train's construction in New York and operation for the South Carolina Railroad in 1831.
  • Bill Rentschler campaign poster
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1969A poster from the Citizens for Rentschler promoting the candidacy and election of Bill Rentschler for Illinois Governor.
  • Boston Botanic Garden share receipt
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1839A receipt for Franklin Haven, Esq.’s payment of 100 dollars as payment for “one share in the stock of the Botanic Garden, in Boston,” signed by Simon E. Greene, Treasurer.
  • Boston, Concord, Montreal, White Mountains and Mount Washington, N., H. Railroad time card
    Image | 1878An advertisement for the "Boston, Concord, Montreal, White Mountains and Mount Washington N., H. Railroad," including a time card of various railway times and locations. J.A. Dodge is the Manager in Plymouth, New Hampshire, George W. Storer is the agent at the Boston office, and Walter Aiken is the Manager for the Mount Washington Railway.
  • Boys' and Girls' Favorite, vol. 2, no. 9
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1876An amateur journal entitled "The Boys' and Girls' Favorite," published in Chicago, Illinois and edited by G.C. Ledyard, Jr. This issue, published in June 1872, includes various advertisements and stories.
  • Boys' and Girls' Favorite, vol. 3, no. 2
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1877An amateur journal entitled "The Boys' and Girls' Favorite," published in Chicago, Illinois and edited by Henry P. Hull. This issue, published in July 1877, includes various advertisements and stories.
  • The Boys' and Girls' Gazette, vol. 1, no.5-6
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1876An amateur journal entitled "The Boys' and Girls' Gazette," published in Farmer City, Illinois and edited by Edward C. Gay. This issue, published in October and November 1876, includes various advertisements and news articles. 4 copies.
  • A Brief Account of the Execution of Six Militia Men
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1828A poster entitled "A Brief Account of the Execution of the Six Militia Men," used as a campaign document to discredit Andrew Jackson during elections in 1828.
  • Brighton Horse-Thief Detecting Society handbill notice
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1852A handbill notice of a Brighton Horse-Thief Detecting Society meeting. The notice includes blank spaces for listing when and where the prospective meeting will take place.
  • British American Bank Note Company fractional currency
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1870A fractional currency note from the British American Bank valued at twenty-five cents.
  • Burlington route suburban service handbill
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1936A handbill entitled "Burlington Route Suburban Service Westbound and Eastbound" published by the Union Passenger Station in Chicago, Illinois. This document displays train routes and times in the Chicago area and becomes "effective March 1, 1936.
  • A Business Man for Mayor: F. M. Leslie
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A handbill entitled, "A Business Man for Mayor, F. M. Leslie, Candidate for Republican Nomination for Mayor." This document advertises F. M. Leslie's campaign for the mayoral primary election in Chicago, Illinois on March 11, 1924.
  • Car coupling patent filed in Great Britain
    Multi-Page Item | 5 pages | 1891A document providing the "complete specification" for the "improvements in automatic car couplings" invented by Albert Fontayne, Sr. of Chicago, Illinois. The patent application was filed in London, England by Herbert and Company on behalf of Fontayne on August 4, 1891 and accepted on December 5, 1891.
  • Carl Firley for Congress flyer
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1970A flyer issued by the Firley for Congress Committee containing Democratic candidate Carl Firley's positions on nine campaign issues.