University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Illinois and US History Broadsides and Printed Ephemera Collection (Digitized Content)

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Showing 281–320 of 467 items
  • Paris and Danville Railroad Company pass
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1876A pass written for Philip Shutt, Editor of The Paris Times, from the Paris and Danville Railroad Company in 1876.
  • The Paris Times, vol. 5, no. 51
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1881An amateur journal entitled "The Paris Times," published in Paris, Kentucky and edited by Jim M. Allen. This issue, published in January 1881, includes various advertisements and articles.
  • Partial List of Losses leaflet
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1870A leaflet containing a "partial list of losses paid by the American Insurance Company" to individuals. This list includes the names and amounts paid in eighteen Illinois counties.
  • The Pastime Magazine, vol. 2, no. 13
    Multi-Page Item | 12 pages | 1878An amateur journal entitled "The Pastime Magazine," published in Newark, New Jersey and edited by I. H. Blanchard. This issue, published in September 1878, includes various advertisements and articles.
  • P. B. Locke, Attorney & Councellor at Law, trade card
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesA trade card entitled "P. B. Locke, Attorney & Councellor at Law", advertising for the legal services of P. B. Locke in St. Joseph, Missouri, undated.
  • Pennsylvania Central Railroad advertisement
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1867An advertisement for the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. This clipping contains a route map, time table, and a "rates of fare from Philadelphia" list for August 1867.
  • Peter Johnson letter
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1881A letter from Peter Johnson to Land Commissioner Charles L. Colby of the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company about the land he purchased from the railroad. Johnson describes his success with farming the land "for the benefit of those who may think about making [Northern Wisconsin] their future home." The letter is dated February 20, 1881.
  • Petition for La Follette presidential campaign circular letter
    Multi-Page Item | 10 pages | 1924A circular letter sent from the La Follette for President Committee in Chicago, Illinois to an individual, dated May 1924. In this letter, the Committee encourages citizens to gather support for La Follette in the 1924 presidential election by donating funds to the campaign or obtaining signatures for this support petition. This document includes a bulletin about campaign fu...
  • The Philosophy of Government speech
    Multi-Page Item | 16 pages | 1932A pamphlet entitled "The Philosophy of Government" issued by the Democratic National Committee. This document presents "Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech at The Commonwealth Club" in "San Francisco, California, September 23, 1932.
  • Pickaway County (Ohio) tax list
    Multi-Page Item | 3 pages | 1822A list of unpaid taxes in Pickaway County published on June 27, 1821 and January 23, 1822 . Each list of taxes was signed and published by the Ohio state auditor and circulated in newspaper publications as required by law.
  • Pike County (Ohio) tax list
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1820A list of unpaid taxes in Pike County in 1820. Each list of taxes was signed and published by the Ohio state auditor and circulated in newspaper publications as required by law. 3 copies with different reverse sides.
  • The Pittsburgh Locomotive & Car Works
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1870A broadside advertising "The Pittsburgh Locomotive & Car Works, Alleghany City, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania." This advertisement includes photographs of the consolidated engine and yard engine.
  • Platform of the Conference for Progressive Political Action
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1924A leaflet entitled "Platform of the Conference for Progressive Political Action" issued by the Socialist Party in Chicago, Illinois. This document includes the Socialist Party's "Program of Public Service" and "For Child Labor Amendment.
  • Prairie State Amateur, vol. 1, no. 5
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1878An amateur journal entitled "Prairie State Amateur," published in Mattoon, Illinois and edited by C. E. Dole and C. E. Rudy. This issue, published in March 1878, includes various advertisements and stories.
  • Presbyterian Young People at the University of Illinois, no. 8
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1924A pamphlet entitled "Presbyterian Young People at the University of Illinois" describing the mission of the church organization and important upcoming events such as the construction of a new church building and the McKinley Mission project in Champaign, Illinois. This document is dated May 1924.
  • Price List of Land Exploring Tickets over the Wisconsin Central Railroad
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1881A flyer about the "price list of land exploring tickets over the Wisconsin Central Railroad" from Milwaukee to several towns. Tickets may "be obtained only of the Land Commissioner at Milwaukee," Charles L. Colby.
  • Price list of Socialist campaign literature
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A "price list of campaign literature" containing orders of leaflets, books, and pamphlets issued by the Socialist Party in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Primary election question of prohibition clipping
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A newspaper clipping entitled "Recommendations" describing the "Records of Candidates at the Primary Election, April 8 on the question of Prohibition Enforcement." The newspaper was printed by Craftsmen Printers in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Private Henry Dubs discharge notice
    Multi-Page Item | 5 pages | 1865A discharge notice sent from the United States Army for Private Henry Dubs of Company E, 45th Regiment of the Illinois Infantry Veteran Volunteers. This copy was signed in Louisville, Kentucky by Cyrus M. Roberts and Charles K. Erwin on July 12, 1865.
  • Public Sale auction poster
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesA poster entitled "Public Sale," auctioning "head horses," "head cattle" and "farm implements." This event was held on January 20th by the Auctioneer, Harry Kearney.
  • The Queen City Amateur, vol. 2, no. 1
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1877An amateur journal entitled "The Queen City Amateur," published in Cincinnati, Ohio and edited by Ed Swift. This issue, published in February 1877, includes various advertisements of stamps, visiting cards, and other amateur journal publications.
  • Questionnaire on the Illinois Old Age Assistant Law
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1936A leaflet entitled "Questionnaire on the Illinois Old Age Assistance Law" published by the Department of Public Welfare, Division of Old Age. This document presents nineteen questions and answers to legislation which grants "assistance to the aged persons in Illinois.
  • The Quincy Gem, vol. 1, no. 1
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1878An amateur journal entitled "The Quincy Gem," published in Quincy, Illinois and edited by W. H. Stahl. This issue, published in April 1878, includes various advertisements, articles, and poems.
  • Race between Tom Thumb locomotive and a Horse-Car
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesA poster entitled "Exciting Race between Mr. Peter Cooper's Locomotive, 'Tom Thumb' and a Horse-Car" describing the event "took place on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, on 28th August, 1830" where the locomotive won.
  • Railroad addition to the town of Urbana
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1900A map of the "Rail Road Addition to the Town of Urbana" in Urbana, Illinois.
  • Railroad Record: Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures, and Statistics
    Multi-Page Item | 20 pages | 1856A weekly railroad journal entitled "Railroad Record: Journal of Commerce, Banking, Manufactures, and Statistics." This copy was published by Wrightson and Company in Cincinnati, Ohio on July 10, 1856. This is Volume 4, Issue 20 in the series.
  • Rail-Road Song clipping
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1886A clipping of a song entitled "Rail-Road Song" by Jacob P. Weaver and published by J. H. Johnson in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Rantoul Area Election Rally flyer
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1976A flyer entitled "Rantoul Area Election Rally: Question the Candidates" featuring "Our Congressmen, Ed Madigan and Other Candidates [at the] Rantoul High School Gym Wednesday October 27." This event is "sponsored by Rantoul Republicans.
  • Rates of Fare from St. Louis, Missouri advertisement
    Image | 1878An advertisement entitled "Rates of Fare From St. Louis, MO., to Points West and Southwest Over the Missouri Pacific Railway." This document is "in effect Aug. 15, 1878-Subject to Changes" and lists various locations and fares for travel.
  • Ration Roundup stamp clipping
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1945A newspaper clipping entitled "Ration Roundup," presenting the duration of various war ration stamps during World War II.
  • Ration Stamps Good clipping
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1945A newspaper clipping entitled "Ration Stamps Good," displaying various war ration stamps during World War II.
  • Reduced fares to New York handbill
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1898A handbill entitled "Reduced Fares to New York and Return" created by The Merchant's Association of New York at the Fall Trade Convention in 1898. This document includes date ranges for various railroad fare special offers.
  • Re-elect Clifford L. Hilton for Attorney General brochure
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A political campaign brochure entitled "Re-Elect Clifford L. Hilton Attorney General Republican Candidate" and published by the Hilton for Attorney General Committee in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the 1924 election.
  • Re-elect Clifford L. Hilton for Attorney General handbill
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1924A political campaign handbill entitled "Re-Elect Clifford L. Hilton Attorney General Republican Candidate" and published by the Hilton for Attorney General Committee in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the 1924 election.
  • Re-elect Clifford L. Hilton for Attorney General poster
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A political campaign poster entitled "Re-Elect Clifford L. Hilton Attorney General Republican Candidate" published by the Hilton for Attorney General Committee in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This poster for the 1924 election includes the slogan "He has made millions for Minnesota.
  • Re-elect Clifford L. Hilton for Attorney General small handbill
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1924A political small campaign handbill entitled "Re-Elect Clifford L. Hilton Republican Candidate for Attorney General." This handbill was published by R. L. Smith and the Campaign Committee for Clifford L. Hilton in the 1924 election in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.
  • Re-Elect William (Bill) Groves for Sheriff handbill
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1938A handbill entitled "Re-Elect WM. (Bill) Groves, Candidate in Democratic Primary, Sheriff" promoting Groves' election in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, April 12, 1938 in Jefferson County, Illinois.
  • Rentschler for Illinois Governor circular letter
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1969A circular letter promoting the Republican candidate Bill Rentschler in the Governor election of 1970, dated October 16, 1969. This item includes two envelopes, one addressed to Clarence A. Berdahl and one for business reply mail from the Citizens for William H. Rentschler in Lake Forest, Illinois.
  • Republican foreign policy critique circular letter
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1924A circular letter from various professional individuals, Alderman, et al., criticizing Republican foreign policy under the Harding and Coolidge presidencies and the League of Nations. These individuals recommend the election of Democratic candidate John W. Davis.
  • Republican National Committee circular
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1924A circular from the Republican National Committee to Raymond F. Bacon in New York, N.Y. The document encourages Bacon's support for President Coolidge's re-election in 1924 and requests monetary donations through an additional form.