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William Allingham papers, 1846-1920

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Showing 321–360 of 1,332 items
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, August 10, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1874One letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown congratulating Allingham on the major life event occuring, which Brown calls the union of poetry and painting. Brown also extends the well-wishes of his wife who is away at the sea-side. This letter is written in 1874, which corresponds with the date of Helen and William's marriage.
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, August 27, 1865
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1865One letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham thanking him for his note and the volume of poems sent ; he also apologizes for the late response due to him being busy with his exhibit. Allingham's volume of poems sent, "50 Modern Poems," was published in 1865, the same year this letter was written.
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, December 17, 1870
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1870One letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham telling Allingham that he has an engagement on Monday that makes him unable to dine together on Tuesday, and then suggests Monday, Wesneday, or Friday as alternative days to get together. The letter's paper contains a watermark that reads, "SMC.
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, January 27, 1868
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1868One letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham expressing his thanks for leaving several books at the Hogarths and shares his thoughts on the different works included.
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham mentioning that his youngest son has been severely ill the last 3 days and he will be unable to meet up tomorrow evening, Brown also mentions that Hughes, Munro, and Gabriel Rossetti were also going to be in attendance.
  • Letter from Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from British painter Ford Madox Brown to William Allingham thanking him for sending a copy of his book of Irish poems via his publisher, also in the letter Brown calls Allingham a true Irish patriot but not the incendiary type, this comment about Allingham's nationality is important due to the modern country of Ireland still being part of the United Kingdom during...
  • Letter from Frances Power Cobbe to William Allingham, March 7, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Irish writer Frances Power Cobbe to William Allingham sharing with Allingham that she is pleased with the article by Dr. Hoggan.
  • Letter from Frances Power Cobbe to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Irish writer Frances Power Cobbe to William Allingham telling him about an article written on vivisection by Dr. Hoggan. She also mentions that she has written an article on the same subject, and inquires about openings in Fraser's for the month of April.
  • Letter from Frances Waldegrave to William Allingham, November 15, 1869
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1869One letter from Frances Waldegrave, Countess Waldegrave to William Allingham, written on behalf of Waldegrave. The third party writes to Allingham regarding Mrs. Waldegrave's pleasure at Allingham's work "Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland." She requests that 20 copies be forwarded to her at an address in Dublin. The letter also explains that Mrs. Waldegrave's husband Mr. Fortes...
  • Letter from Francis Braun to Helen Allingham, May 21, 1909
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1909One letter from Francis Braun to Helen Allingham, thanking Hellen for her kind letter. Braun writes about the death of someone close to him, and that he can "hardly realize properly," that she is gone. He also mentions that this person spoiled him, and that it is going to be very difficult for him.
  • Letter from Francis Braun to Nellie Lomax Allingham, October 7, 1904
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1904One letter from Francis Braun to Nellie Lomax Allingham, addressing her with her maiden name, as Miss Lomax, giving Nellie his wife's address which she had requested. Braun's wife, Rose Ettinger, lives in Berlin. Braun also mentions to Nellie how nice it was to see everyone today.
  • Letter from Francis Grant, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne autograph by Scottish painter Francis Grant.
  • Letter from Francis McCracken to William Allingham, March 30, 1854
    Multi-Page Item | 12 pages | 1854One letter from Irishman and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites Francis McCracken to William Allingham expressing his gladness in hearing from Allingham, and mentions Fraser's Magazine regarding the editorship. He writes that he is glad Allingham liked Mr. Millais, likely the painter John Everett Millais, and shares that Millais is also pleased with Allingham. McCracken mentions ...
  • Letter from Francis S. Mahony to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from Irish humorist and journalist Francis Sylvester Mahony to William Allingham regarding a question that Allingham had posed regarding information in a newspaper. Mahony explains that he cannot think of anything either from the Globe or any other quarter that would suit Allingham's purpose. He suggests the "illustrated news," as a starting point. He also writes ...
  • Letter from Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham, May 10, 1870
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1870One letter from British poet and critic Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham sharing when he is commonly at home, and offers up several times. Palgrave asks that Allingham choose a time for a call that works with Allingham's schedule. Palgrave mentions Froude, who he had heard was not in England, and had not expected a reply from him. Palgrave writes that he had infe...
  • Letter from Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham, November 6, 1869
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1869One letter from British poet and critic Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham writing on the subject of the date and possible authorship of a poem which was printed in the 16th or 17th century. Palgrave recounts a line from the poem, from memory, and shares that he has been unable to find it in the book. Palgrave inquires whether Allingham is familiar with the date or...
  • Letter from Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham, November 27, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1874One letter from British poet and critic Francis Turner Palgrave to William Allingham informing Allingham that he is busy working with Macmillans to publish a selection of English poetry, and mentions the limits of much too narrow. Palgrave mentions that amongst the chosen poems are two of Allingham's, "Robin Redbreast" and "The Fairies" and would include them upon Allingham'...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, April 4, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham informing Allingham that he had promised Newman a letter regarding three possible articles, on the subjects of: poetical translation, the moral character of Alexander the Great, and the conditions of good government. Newman mentions that Allingham has approved the second topic, and wr...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, April 8, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham thanking him for accepting Newman's article on 'English Unrhymed Metres." He also informs Allingham he is hard at work on his article about Alexander the Great. Newman also writes to Allingham with his complaints about the comments and expectations of editors on their writers. Newman ...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, April 15, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1877One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham on the subject of a bill by Mr. Cowen's, which was printed in hopes of it being included in the next edition of Fraser's magazine. The subject of Mr. Cowen's bill is in regards to the denial of compensation to Publicans for non-renewal. Newton states that the claims of the bill are ob...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, April 17, 1885
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1885One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham expressing the pleasantness of receiving a letter from Allingham. Newman writes that the government's foreign policy and "blood recklessness," makes him so gloomy. Newman also mentions the corruption is caused my immorality from several different sources. Newman writes more about the ...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, April 25, 1871
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1871One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham informing him that Mr. Froude has told him Allingham is now editor of Fraser's magazine. Newman shares that Froude had given his consent for Newman to write an article on the subject of epicureanism, as a response to Utilitarianism. Newman seeks a response from Allingham on this matte...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, August 15, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1874One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham regarding the exlusion of an article written by Newman on the subject of India. He had been told it was sent to the printer on June 1st by Froude. He writes about the experiences of the Indian people under the English government, and suggests the topic has been silenced. Newman also m...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, August 21, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1874One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham offering his congratulations on Allingham's upcoming wedding. Newman writes about his writings on India, and holds no vanity that his writings on India will have any effect on the government administration. Newman thanks Allingham that the article will appear in the October issue of F...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, August 25, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1875One postcard from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham, care of Messrs. Longman & Co., and addresses Allingham as the Editor of Fraser's Magazine. Newman writes to send an article of a review, and states his desire to write a review of the book. Newman mentions that the book is not very popular but thinks the book has merit and is impor...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, December 6, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1876One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham giving Allingham permission to publish Newton's letter and is referencing a letter he previously sent to Allingham, in which he had scratched out some of the content. Newton explains the stratched out content as a topic completely different from the rest of the letter. Newton discusse...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, December 8, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham responding to Allingham's suggestions of subjects to write on, both of which were pleasing to Newman. The subjects proposed were national loses and on the subject of Virgil. Newman mentions that he does not have the materials to write on Virgil, and inquires about the possibility of A...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, December 27, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham informing Allingham, who is sending translations of Virgil, that he became inspired to write an article on "National Religions and their Break-ups." Which Newman mentions he felt compelled to write until he finished. Newman writes that he is sending Allingham the manuscript of the art...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, February 5, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham writing to him on the subject of Aubrey De Vere's poem on Alexander the Great, which has inspired Newman to write a historical memoir for Fraser's magazine on Alexander the Great's moral character. Newman mentions a more ambitious article which he has planned, on the conditions of goo...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, February 9, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham sharing with Allingham an article on the subject of reforming the House of Lords, for Allingham's consideration. Newman writes that he has written this particular article for an editor who kept it for some 9 months stating that it was not yet time to be published. Newman suspects that...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, February 10, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1874One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham regarding a series of six lectures done by Newman on the topics of Ancient History. Newman shares that he is interested in turning the lectures into articles for Fraser's magazine. Newman writes to ask Allingham's opinions on the articles, and how often Allingham would require article...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, February 12, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 10 pages | 1876One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham stating that after he had received Allingham's letter, Newman reached out to his friend Reverend James Clark, who is the Honorary Vegetarian Secretary. Newman also expresses his wishes to submit an article on the subject of public ethics. He makes clear to Allingham that he does inten...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, February 16, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1877One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham regarding an address Newman gave comparing the advantages of Sir Wilfrsd Lawson's Permissive Local Vets with a Local Elective Lincensing Board. Newman was encourage to contact the Comporary Review, but is inquiring whether it would be suitable for Fraser's.
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, January 14, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1877One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham acknowledging Allingham's request of his writing an article on Anti-Theism, and wants to address Rev. T.P. Kirkman's attack of the book, "Hours of Thoughts." Newman also updates Allingham on his work on the Etruscans. He mentions a Cambridge Professor of Hebrew is residing nearby, Pro...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, January 31, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham writing in regards to the Vegetarian Society, and several cookery books written on the subject of vegetarian cooking. Newman offers a list of the books in question. Newman also writes regarding Catholicism and a writing done by the Pope. Newman mentions the subject of morality concern...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, January 31, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1876One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham stating that he had not yet received a copy of the translation of Virgil, so he assumes Allingham is having trouble procurring it. Newman shares his thoughts about writing such an article, on a topic that is not somewhat elaborated. Newman also expresses his opinion that such an artic...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, January 31, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1876One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham stating that he had not yet received a copy of the translation of Virgil, so he assumes Allingham is having trouble procurring it. Newman shares his thoughts about writing such an article, on a topic that is not somewhat elaborated. Newman also expresses his opinion that such an artic...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, July 1, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham informing Allingham he had been away in Wales, and had just returned home to see Allingham's letters. He mentions that Allingham had done well in proportioning Newman's article in Fraser's. Newman as well informs Allingham that he will be working on a new article as soon as he is able.
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, July 15, 1875
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1875One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham writing to him regarding lectures Newman prepared on the subject of "The Political Aspect of Universities," and on the curriculum of universities, which Newman had prepared to present in Manchester. Newman inquires whether Allingham would be interested in printing them together or sep...
  • Letter from Francis William Newman to William Allingham, July 20, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1876One letter from English scholar and philosopher Francis William Newman to William Allingham writing to inform Allingham that he intends to send a short manuscript written immediately after the article on the Papal Drama. Newman worries that this article would be repititon for the reader, but leaves the decision up to Allingham whether to use it for Fraser's. In a post-script...