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William Allingham papers, 1846-1920

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Showing 81–120 of 1,332 items
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to Mrs. Paul, June 1, 18uu-19uu
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Anne Benson Procter to Mrs. Paul, thanking her for the invitation but sharing that she is engaged on the 9th to dine with Mrs. Buchston. Procter thanks Mr. and Mrs. Paul for thinking of her.
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham, April 9, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1874One letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham thanking Allingham for the reading he provided her. She mentions the "Green London," in which the love and tenderness he writes his subject in reminds her of her dear friend Leigh Hunt.
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham, April 10, 1882
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1882One letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham regarding Mr. Carlyle and Mr. Froude, who Procter writes "is not the sinner." She mentions that Mr. Froude was against every man and woman except those who worshipped him. She writes about his brutal nature. She inquires about the well being of Allingham's wife and children, as...
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham, June 12, 1871
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1871One letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham informing him that she was sorry to find Allingham's card when she returned home. She informs him that her friends picked her up early than she expected them. Procter inquires whether she might she Allingham on Tuesday. She informs Allingham that she plans on leaving London sho...
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham, September 5, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1874One letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to William Allingham mentioing that she saw a paragraph in the Pall Mall regarding Allingham's marriage. Procter offers her best wishes to him and Mrs. Allingham. She mentions that she is in Kent till the 17th, and then they shall return to London. She requests an address to call upon Mrs. Allingha...
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, 18uu
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham sending good wishes upon hearing Helen's good news. Ritchie expresses her happiness for Helen's country life, and reflects on how nice it must be to be a country mother. Ritchie sends her regards to Helen's husband.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, 18uu-19uu
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, informing Helen she has been trying to come, and is writing to her now. Ritchie thanks Helen for doing something for her, and sends her Christmas wishes. The letter's first page contains a sketch of a person reclining back, contained within a circle with "Anne Isabella Ritchie," written beneath.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, 187u
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, thanking her for the little picture. Ritchie writes how thankful she is that her brother-in-law Leslie is remarrying, and is marrying Julia Duckworth. Ritchie signs the letter with her initials.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, September 24, 190u
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Helen Allingham, regarding a favor, which is to exhibit a small sketch Ritchie had bought from Helen in her next exhibition. Ritchie also asks Helen for another drawing or sketch of hers. Ritchie mentions how lovely K.G. was, possibly referring to Kate Greenaway, who died in 1901. The letter's paper contains a...
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Miss Johnson, 18uu-19uu
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to Miss Johnson, requesting for Miss Johnson to not give her brother Ritchie's letter should he not be well enough. Ritchie writes that Miss Johnson should tear up her letter should her request be improbable.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham expressing her pleasure at Allingham's book "Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland." Ritchie also mentions O'Donoghue, likely fellow Irishmen David James O'Donoghue. She thanks Allingham for sending his little book.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham sharing that she hopes to see Allingham while visiting near Wimborne. She is in the area on her way to Bournemouth to visit the sea with her children.
  • Letter from Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from English writer Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie to William Allingham informing him that she has been trying to call on him but with no luck. She also mentions that she bought a present for Mr. and Mrs. Allingham in Newport after first hearing of their engagement. She purchased a cream and sugar set. In her post-script, she writes that she is often home on Thur...
  • Letter from Annie Fields to William Allingham, June 8, 1869
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1869One letter from American poet Annie Adams Fields to William Allingham thanking him for remembering her desire for "The Touchstone" a poem by William Allingham. She also hopes that one day he will leave Lymington and come visit America. There is also a postscript for this letter which says that Mabel Lowell directed her letter according to Mr. Fields' advice to Lymington. wit...
  • Letter from Archibald Standish Hartrick to Helen Allingham, October 8, 1912
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1912One letter from Scottish painter Archibald Standish Hartrick to Helen Allingham, thanking Helen for her donation of 1 pound and 1 shilling for the Artist's General Benevolent Fund.
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham, August 18, 1910
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1910One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham regarding his first meeting with William Allingham. Hughes writes that it was Rossetti who introduced him to Allingham, but he cannot recall the date. Hughes apologizes for not being home as he would have been able to give the date of Holman Hunt's first visit to Palestine. In an additional note, Hughes writes ...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham, January 2, 1915
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1915One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham apologizing for not thanking Helen for the recent pages sent sooner. Hughes mentions that he has been unwell recently, and is hoping for a better year. Hughes mentions the "awful wickedness," happening in the world, and informs Helen that his eldest grandson was "killed in action," six weeks prior. His other gr...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham, March 4, 1908
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1908One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham regarding some old letters. Hughes discusses a particular letter sent by William Allingham to Hughes sent from the Crown Inn near Burnham Beeches, sometime around 1856-57. William Allingham wrote a verse in response to a broken engagement between Hughes, the sculptor Alexander Munro, D.G. Rossetti, and Allingha...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham, March 7, 1908
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1908One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham thanking Helen for sending him more letters. Hughes informs her that he wonders if they will be of any interest to the public, and has made notes on several in pencil. Hughes expresses his pleasure in reading these letters again, and has sent off his own letters to her without reading them. Hughes writes that h...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham, November 28, 1911
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1911One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to Helen Allingham apologizing for being late in acknowledging the letters. Hughes informs Helen that has been enjoying reading the old letters, and is looking through his own collection of letters.
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, August 1, 1854
    Multi-Page Item | 11 pages | 1854One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham responding to a previous letter from Allingham. Hughes informs Allingham that he waited to respond till he talked to Routledge and returned from being busy working on the background for his piece, "Orlando." He also mentions shared acquaintance, Alexander Munro. Hughes also includes a small drawing, and a not...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, August 11, 1874
    Multi-Page Item | 12 pages | 1874One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham passing on a message from Hughes' wife to Allingham regarding lodging and gives an address and pricing. He also shares that he has heard that Allingham has found himself a wife, and describes Helen as charming. He also describes Allingham's fortune in finding an artist for marry.
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, February 25, 1855
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1855One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham stating that Allingham must have removed Hughes from his list of correspondents, and believes that he has always attended to Allingham's wishes in his notes and done his duty in responding to Allingham. Hughes also mentions that the book cannot be put together without all the designs, and is currently waiting...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, March 10, 1886
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1886One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham regarding some watercolor paintings that Hughes has done for the Royal Society of Water Colours. He mentions that Allingham's wife, Helen, may see them and encourages her to look away from his work. He includes the titles of his works, "The Potter's Courtship," "Grave of Saul Vermese," and "Autumn." He descri...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, March 16, 1855
    Multi-Page Item | 5 pages | 1855One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham informing Allingham that he has received the proofs sooner than expected from the Daziel Brothers, who were likely doing the woodcuts, and note regarding D.G. Rossetti. Hughes hopes that the prints are pleasing to Allingham and worthy of printing. He also encourages Allingham to write soon. There is a note on...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, November 24, 1856
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1856One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham thanking him for his letter, and discusses the sketches that Bessie Parkes had done of Hughes' pictures. Hughes discusses the admiration his pictures had inspired in her, and mentions he is a fan of her poems. He also mentions Allingham's book, "Day and Night Songs." His letter starts describing an interactio...
  • Letter from Arthur Hughes to William Allingham, September 11, 1878
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1870-1879One letter from English painter Arthur Hughes to William Allingham sending belated thanks after receiving Allingham's note and new volume of poems. He also shares that he is painting some children's potraits. He also got a letter from shared aquaintance Albert Goodwin from Dartmoor, who writes about being ill for two months. Hughes also asks Allingham to give his regards to ...
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, 19uu
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pagesOne letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, returning the copy of Helen's husband, William Allingham's published diary. Rackham shares he enjoyed the book and sends along with it a small watercolor picture he did in Ireland. He apologizes for taking so long to return the book. The letter's paper includes a watermark for Antient Scottish Vellum...
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, February 1, 1910
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1910One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, regarding the work of possible academy candidates. Rackham also mentions the dealers' exhibition and their focus on the commercial value of an artist. Rackham mentions a Miss Canziani, possibly the artist Estella Canziani, and a Miss Dollman, regarding their student work. He expresses interest in the...
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, February 4, 1910
    Multi-Page Item | 12 pages | 1910One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, writing to share several more thoughts on the subject of illustrators and the Royal Watercolor Society. Rackham states there are few members of the society who can earn a living solely on watercolor painting, and lists the elected members of the society from 1900-1910 and their primary source of work...
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, February 8, 1910
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1910One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, regarding candidates for the Royal Watercolor Society. Rackham writes his and Helen's letters should be published into a book. Rackham discusses present day art's faults and virtues, and mentions contemporary artists Annie Swynnerton and Whistler. Rackham compares the Royal Watercolor Society (RWS) a...
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, February 26, 1910
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1910One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, thanking her for the invitation to dinner Tuesday night. Rackham informs Helen his wife Edyth's arm is recovering and she was able to work with her left hand.
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, January 17, 1908
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1908One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, informing her of the birth of his daughter. He writes both mother and baby are well. The letter's paper contains a watermark Royal Vellum with the image of a crown, for the company Millington & Sons, Ltd.
  • Letter from Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, July 21, 1919
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1919One letter from English book illustrator Arthur Rackham to Helen Allingham, regarding seats at the Alhambra for Thursday evening, the 24th of July. Rackham writes Edyth also wants to go along, and they will be taking an easy day in preparation. He mentions the pre-planned meeting at the Tube Booking Station at 7:45. Rackham explains the three ballets are "L'Oiseau de Feu," "...
  • Letter from A.T. Atchison to C.W. Siemens, 1881
    Multi-Page Item | 3 pages | 1881One membership card addressed to German-British electrical engineer C.W. Siemens for the British Association, for the membership year of 1881. The backside of the card informs Siemen the location of the club's meeting, and is signed A.T. Atchison (Jackal). The price of the dinner is listed as 5 pounds 6 shillings, and requests an RSVP. Atchison writes a note to Siemens, info...
  • Letter from A.T. Atchison to William Allingham, 1882
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pages | 1882One membership card addressed to William Allingham for the British Association, for the membership year of 1882. The backside of the card indicates that the meeting will be held at the Masonic Hall, and that the price of dinner will be 5 pounds and 6 shillings. The card requests an RSVP, and is signed by A.T. Atchison (Jackal).
  • Letter from Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham, April 4, 1860
    Multi-Page Item | 19 pages | 1860One letter from Irish poet Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham stating that Holy Week has given him an excuse for keeping Allingham's poems longer. He also expresses his pleasure in having been able to read Allingham's poem.
  • Letter from Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham, December 13, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1877One letter from Irish poet Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham sharing that Sir Henry Taylorhas brought out his poetical books and will be followed by his prose works as well.
  • Letter from Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham, February 18, 1860
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1860One letter from Irish poet Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham thanking him for the note and poems that accompanied it sent by Allingham, which discuss Irish life. De Vere also expresses interest in being sent more of the poems Allingham is working on and hopes there will be a new volume out soon. He also inquires whether Allingham will use an Irish publisher this time.
  • Letter from Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham, January 22, 1865
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1865One letter from Irish poet Aubrey de Vere to William Allingham stating that he only has a moment to write a few lines to Allingham, and cannot leave England without sharing with Allingham his thoughts on Allingham's "Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland.