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William Allingham papers, 1846-1920

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Showing 41–80 of 1,332 items
  • Letter from Alexander Munro to William Allingham, October circa 1855
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1855One letter from British sculptor Alexander Munro to William Allingham informing him that he has sent Allingham his bust as he wished before Munro left London. Munro shares that he is currently visiting Northumberland, and mentions Allingham is known for his poetry in those parts. He mentions that is was in this part of England where Millais seduced Ruskin's wife, and comment...
  • Letter from Alexander Munro to William Allingham, September 12, 1854
    Multi-Page Item | 12 pages | 1854One letter from British sculptor Alexander Munro to William Allingham apologizing for not responding to Allingham's letter sooner, and writing regarding a bust. Munro explains that several passes need yet be done on the bust. Munro mentions shared acquaintances the Rossettis, Arthur Hughes, and John Ruskin. Munro updates Allingham on their current work, and mentions to him ...
  • Letter from Alexander Munro to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from British sculptor Alexander Munro to William Allingham regarding Allingham's previous letter, and mentioning that Rossetti will be writing to him soon with proofs of his book of translations. Munro also invites Allingham to come down to London, and offers him residence in his home, sharing that he has lots of room. Munro asks whether Allingham is familiar with...
  • Letter from Alexander Munro to William Allingham, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from British sculptor Alexander Munro to William Allingham writing regarding a letter from Munro's sister which he has included in the present letter. He hopes Allingham will hold onto it until he visits on Sunday for breakfast around 10 or 10:30. Munro writes that he hopes Allingham is enjoying his visit to town.
  • Letter from Alexander Poynton, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne autograph by Australian politician Alexander Poynton.
  • Letter from Alfred East, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne autograph by English painter Alfred East.
  • Letter from Alfred East, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne autograph by English painter Alfred East. Autograph is taken from fragment of letter, likely regarding a dinner held for the Artists' General Benevolent Institution, containing a postscript regarding the price of dinner tickets, which cost 21 shillings. The letter's writing is in a different hand than the artist's signature.
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to Helen Allingham, July 18, 1908
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1908One note from English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to Helen Allingham, thanking Helen for sending a copy of her husband's book. Wallace encloses 9 shillings for the cost of the book and hopes to tell Helen his thoughts the next time he sees her.
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to Helen Allingham, November 30, 1889
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1889One letter from English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to Helen Allingham, informing her the only trustworthy public medium he knows of is Miss Lottie Fowler, who resides in Berkeley Square. He writes Fowler is known as a "trance medium," and suggests Helen to write to her to acquire a private appointment. Wallace encourages Helen to not be disappointed should she be conta...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, circa 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1877One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham, addressed as the Editor of Fraser Magazine. Wallace writes that he is returning the proofs that he received this morning. Wallace mentions in regard to the letters and proofs from Dr. Carpenter, and that he has wrote 3 additional notes which he had sent to Longmans. Wallace mentions that if his ad...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, December 29, 1883
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1883One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham thanking Allingham for sending a copy of Allingham's poem on Ireland, likely Allingham's "Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland." Wallace notes that Allingham understands the inequity of the Agent's rule and the treatment of the "free" people in Ireland. Wallace also mentions that for the time it was writ...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, February 3, 1878
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1878One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham informing Allingham that he has received a letter and manuscript of an article written by American journalist Col. Henry S. Olcott, in response to Dr. Carpenter's attack on him in Fraser's magazine the previous november. Olcott asked Wallace to get the article into Fraser's magazine. Wallace inform...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, November 1, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1877One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham, addressed as the Editor of Fraser Magazine. Wallace asks Allingham that he would be able to respond to Dr. Carpenter's statements made in his article "Psychological Curiosities of Spiritualism," which he would write a few pages in response. Wallace asks Allingham to read his review of Carpenter's ...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, November 21, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1877One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham thanking Allingham for sending some letters from Dr. Carpenter and other enclosures. Wallace writes that he will return them after he has received the proofs for his article. Wallace mentions that he will be careful in his writing of the article. He also mentions Dr. Carpenter's definition of "gent...
  • Letter from Alfred R. Wallace to William Allingham, November 25, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1877One letter from British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace to William Allingham returning Dr. Carpenter's letters. Wallace informs Allingham that he has sent his notes to Pall Mall thinking that there would be someone there to open letters addressed to the Editor, and has sent manuscripts to the printers. He informs Allingham that he received the proofs only yesterday, and had...
  • Letter from Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham, circa 1890
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1890One letter from British artist Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham informing Helen that she was elected by more than the necessary amount of votes, likely referring to membership of the Royal Watercolor society. Hunt writes that he had the honor of being Helen's proposer, and that Gilbert was the seconder. Hunt writes that he unfortunately prevented the groups late Presid...
  • Letter from Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham, May 7, 1884
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1884One letter from British painter Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham regarding his delight in discovery Helen's enjoyment of his work. Hunt compliments Helen's own artistic talent. Hughes remarks that the whole world is painting the sea and the sea shore, and that no green leaf can be found in the Royal Academy show. Hunt sends his regards to Mr. Allingham, and again thank...
  • Letter from Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham, May 23, 1884
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1884One letter from British artist Alfred William Hunt to Helen Allingham regarding an invitation, which Hunt apologizes for being unable to accept due to his many engagements. Hunt writes that he has been busy travelling for work, and shares that Mrs. Hunt would have been enjoyed to come if they were able.
  • Letter from Alfred William Parsons to Helen Allingham, December 21, 1913
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pages | 1913One letter from English artist Alfred William Parsons to Helen Allingham, thanking Helen for her kind letter regarding his appointment as President of the Royal Watercolor Society. He expresses his gratitude for the appointment but wishes it would have been awarded to a younger man. Parsons had hoped for a quiet retirement at his Kensington house. The letter's paper contains...
  • Letter from Algernon Charles Swinburne to Lewis Campbell, March 14, 1876
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1876One letter from English poet Algernon Charles Swinburne to Lewis Campbell, regarding a piece of his translated Aias, which he appreciates the quality of. He also notes that the skill of the verse separates it from other translations.
  • Letter from Alice Corkran, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne calling card for Miss Alice Corkcran. The card lists her address in London, and indicates that Thursdays are good for calling on her.
  • Letter from Alice Macallan Swan to Helen Allingham, April 18, 18uu-19uu
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from British artist Alice Macallan Swan to Helen Allingham, apologizing for not being able to come visit. Swan writes she has been ill, but is getting better and the pain is going away. She expresses her regret for not being able to visit with Helen and Mrs. Whitey, because of the influenza. In a postscript, Swan writes that she knows Helen is busy so she should n...
  • Letter from Alicia Adelaide Needham to Helen Allingham, October 2, 1900
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1900One letter from Irish composer Alicia Adelaide Needham to Helen Allingham, thanking Helen for sending tickets to the play, but is unable to attend as she is expecting a "great domestic event," likely referring to her pregnancy. Needham explains she has given the tickets to some friends, but is saddened by not being able to attend herself. She also writes she would have loved...
  • Letter from Alicia Adelaide Needham to Helen Allingham, October 5, 190u
    Multi-Page Item | 2 pagesOne letter from Irish composer Alicia Adelaide Needham to Helen Allingham, asking permission to use William Allingham's poem "Kitty O'Hea," in her new book "12 Lyrics for Lovers." Needham also thanks Helen for the kind letter she received after her baby was born. Needham hopes she will be able to bring the baby to visit Helen soon.
  • Letter from Andrew C. Gow to Helen Allingham, February 5, 18uu
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from British painter Andrew Carrick Gow to Helen Allingham thanking her for her note. Gow writes that her message of congratulations makes him proud of his good fortune. Gow also writes that his sister sends her kind regards to Helen.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, December 11, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham about Boyd writing an article about Mr. Charles Kingsley, who was an English minister and asked Allingham if he had any stories to contribute. Boyd's article about Kingsley is published in the February 1877 issue of Fraser's Magazine. He also mentions John W. Parker who had been a publisher/...
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, December 17, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham where Boyd shares he does not feel he could finish an article about Mr. Charles Kingsley before January at the earliest but would prefer February.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, February 5, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham stating that he is sorry to hear that Allingham is leaving 'Fraser' - meaning Fraser's Magazine. Boyd also mentions shared friends Mr. Anthony Froude and John Parker, and hopes that Allingham will stay on at Fraser's. He also mentions his current writing "A long Look Out.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, January 15, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1877One letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham telling him that he has sent something to the printer and that he hopes Allingham enjoys it.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, July 17, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham thanking Allingham for letting him know he recieved the copy of Boyd;s manuscript. Boyd also asks if Allingham would be able to send him proofs as he has to give the manuscript to William Longman on September 1. The letter's paper contains a watermark for J Whatman.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, July 22, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 7 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham stating that he is exceedingly pleased to read what Allingham wrote in his letter about his manuscript. Boyd then describes Mr. Anthony Froude's thoughts on his manuscript as "boggy." The letter's paper contains a watermark for J Whatman.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, July 24, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham in which he states that he has receieved Allingham's most enjoyable volume which the "stupid bookseller" has had in for weeks but only just sent it out.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, June 26, 1878
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1878One letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham inquring whether or not Allingham is still in the country, and then later discusses a recent work and hopes to have another leaflet come September.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, March 11, 1879
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1879One letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham telling him that he recieved secret information that he wanted to share with Allingham, from Principal Tulloch, who is John Tulloch. Later in the letter Boyd states that Tulloch wishes for Allingham's goodwill in becoming the next editor of 'Fraser's Magazine.'
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, May 31, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham expressing his apologies over not being able to call on him and Mrs. Allingham before he left London, but was happy to read in the newspaper that she was doing much better. He also had recieved an advanced copy of Allingham's latest volume.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, November 10, undated
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pagesOne letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham in which Boyd shares that he had wanted to send something to Allingham but was unable to. He also expresses concern about the content of Fraser's magazine following the death of William Longman,which occurred in 1877, and the lack of fiction, which he thinks is a want for many readers.
  • Letter from Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd to William Allingham, September 5, 1877
    Multi-Page Item | 4 pages | 1877One letter from Scottish minister Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd to William Allingham in which Boyd shares he has finished his writing his paper titled "Dean Stanley at St. Andrews" which was printed in the October 1877 issue of Fraser's Magazine. He also mentions reading Allingham's most recent volume, and expresses the sadness of shared acquaintance William Longman's death.
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, 18uu
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pagesOne letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, leaving Helen some biscuits for her and her children, which Procter explains are very dry. Procter mentions her trouble with the Italian politician Mezzini, whom she describes as leading other people into trouble but avoiding it himself. She also mentions her good friend Francis...
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, March 16, 1879
    Multi-Page Item | 8 pages | 1879One letter and accompanying envelope from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, apologizing for missing Helen's previous cards, and explains she has not left home on a Sunday in years. Procter writes Lady Coutts Lindsey asked her to visit the Grosvenor Gallery and ventured out of the home for that purpose. Procter hopes she will fi...
  • Letter from Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, March 24, 1881
    Multi-Page Item | 6 pages | 1881One letter from the mother of poet Adelaide Anne Procter, Anne Benson Procter to Helen Allingham, regarding a Mrs. Blackresters, whom Procter does not remember, nor the woman's husband. Procter mentions this woman in relation to Mr. Carlyle's book. She also mentions speaking to a servant who lived with Mr. Badams. Procter writes that she is "made ill," by this book and calls...