University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Picture Chicago

Showing 361–400 of 617 items
  • Mrs. Potter Palmer
    Image | 1894Central portrait in five-portrait montage captioned "Prominent officials of the Board of Lady Managers." Other officials depicted are: "Mrs. Susan G. Cooke, Secretary Board of Lady Managers," "Mrs. V. C. Meredith, Vice-Chairman Executive Committee, and Chairman of Committee on Awards," "Mrs. Russell B. Harrison, Vice-President at Large," and "Mrs. John A. Logan, Vice-Chairma...
  • Mrs. Raymond Robins
    Image | 1922From text: "… the Chicago Women's Trade Union League, of which Mrs. Raymond Robins was then President. ... A Strike Committee was immediately organized by the League and began to work through the following sub-committees: Strike fund committee, of which Mrs. Robins was Chairman."
  • Mrs. Russell B. Harrison
    Image | 1894Image taken from five-portrait montage captioned "Prominent officials of the Board of Lady Managers." Other officials depicted are: ""Mrs. Susan G. Cooke, Secretary Board of Lady Managers," "Mrs. V. C. Meredith, Vice-Chairman Executive Committee, and Chairman of Committee on Awards," "Mrs. Potter Palmer, President Board of Lady Managers," and "Mrs. John A. Logan, Vice-Chairm...
  • Municipal Court and Illinois Athletic Club
    Image | 1912Caption: "Municipal Court and Illinois Athletic Club Buildings" These buildings are located at 116 South Michigan Avenue and 112 South Michigan Avenue.
  • Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium
    Image | 1919Caption: "Bird's eye view of sanitarium." The sanitarium was located in the northwest part of the city, near Bryn Mawr and Crawford Avenues.
  • Natural stone canal banks
    Image | 1912Caption: "Natural stone banks through the 'rock cut'"
  • Navy Pier
    Image | 1930two stately towers, with observation galleries, rise from the Pier and afford comprehensive views of Chicago's water traffic. Band concerts are given during the summer, and dancing is enjoyed."
  • Nettie Richardson
    Image | 1922One of four individuals depicted above caption: "National Organizers, Chicago Campaign, 1919". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • New Chamber of Commerce
    Image | 1883From text: "The corner-stone of the new Chamber of Commerce was laid with appropriate ceremonies Dec. 13, 1882, and since then the walls of the magnificent building have gone up with marvelous rapidity, but this new temple of trade is on such a grand scale that it will be another year before it is brought to completion and ready for the machinery of commerce."
  • New City Hall and County Building
    Image | 1908From text: "On the opposite page is a fine representation in half-tone of the new County Building and City Hall, as the conjoined, magnificent structure will appear when the city half of it shall have been completed. The county half has been officially occupied since July 5, 1907, and it is certain that the officers and employes (sic) of no county in the United States are mo...
  • New Field Museum
    Image | 1920Caption: "The New Field Museum."
  • New post office site
    Image | 1919Caption: "Chicago's recommended new post office site, new Union Terminal to the left, Northwestern Depot to the right. The Chicago Plan Commission has not recommended a type for the new Chicago postal structure. The above is merely a suggested type to occupy the two blocks recommended on Canal Street between the present Northwestern terminal and the Union Station now under c...
  • New South Water Street
    Image | 1919Caption: "A typical scene of new South Water Street from State to Market Streets to be carried through along the river bank to connect with the upper and lower levels of Michigan Avenue." From text: "Consider how the improvement proposed will bring South Water Street into its destiny, not as a fruit market, but as a modern, high-class business thoroughfare. On the upper leve...
  • New two-level bridge
    Image | 1919Caption: "The new two-level bridge, a part of the Michigan Avenue boulevard link. From the collection of the Chicago Plan Commission."
  • Niña Stuart van Zandt Spies
    Image | 1887Wife of August Vincent Theodore Spies.
  • North plaza of new Michigan Avenue
    Image | 1919Caption: "Looking south across north plaza, showing possibilities of developing North Michigan Avenue. Drawing by Vernon Howe Bailey."
  • Northwestern Sanitary Fair of 1865
    Image | 1910Caption: "The Northwestern Sanitary Fair of 1865 (The Building was Erected on Dearborn Park, now Occupied by the Chicago Public Library, with Bryan Hall as an Adjunct)"
  • Northwestern University buildings, Evanston
    Image | 1906Caption: "Northwestern University buildings at Evanston". Buildings labeled in montage are: "Fayerweather Hall of Science", "Dearborn Observatory", "University Hall", "Willard Hall", and "Orrington Lunt Library".
  • Northwestern University campus view
    Image | 1912Caption: "View on campus of Northwestern University, Evanston. A glimpse of Orrington Lunt Library. Courtesy of Northwestern University"
  • Northwestern University, downtown Chicago
    Image | 1906Caption: "Northwestern University Building, Clark and Lake Streets, Chicago"
  • Northwestern University Medical College
    Image | 1906From text: "The Medical School, in Chicago, founded in 1859, was the first American medical school to give a graded course, to lengthen the teaching year, and to demand educational requirements for entrance. It provides a full four years' course, exceptional clinical advantages, and actual instruction at the bedside."
  • Oakland School
    Image | 1912Caption: "Oakland School--Fortieth Street, near Cottage Grove Avenue. By courtesy of the Board of Education"
  • Oaks Club
    Image | 1888Caption: "Austin Library Building and Club House." From text: "The Oaks was organized in January, 1882, and incorporated September 3d, 1884, its object being to promote social intercourse between its members and their families. In its early days the club occupied rooms in the Giles Block until the building was destroyed by fire November 13th, 1885, at which time it suffered ...
  • O'Brien's Art Emporium
    Image | 1869Text in illustration reads: "O'Brien's Art Emporium, 51 State St., Chicago. Artist's materials and decalcomanie designs. Engravings, Chromos and Picture Frames." From text: "O'Brien's Art Emporium.--There is no city in the United States which, to-day, in proportion to its age and population, can boast of so large a number, such hard-working, and such talented artists as the ...
  • Office and old power plant
    Image | 1908Caption: "Office and Old Power Plant View from South Corner". Photograph is included in section on company's Grand Rapids facility.
  • Officers Coat Makers Local 39 and Shop Chairmen
    Image | 1914Caption: "Officers, Coat Makers Local 39 and Shop Chairmen, Hart, Schaffner and Marx--February, 1914."
  • Officers, deputies and delegates
    Image | 1922Caption: "Officers, Deputies & Delegates of The Chicago Joint Board Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Jan. 12, 1922."
  • Officers of Local Union No. 183
    Image | 1903the leaders were dismissed and have never been reinstated. This same young girl, a victim of the conditions under which she worked, when dying of consumption, was still a leading spirit."
  • Old College hall
    Image | 1912Caption: "This building, which still stands on the campus of Northwestern University, was the original Northwestern University Building. For many years it was used as a preparatory academy to the university, until the Fisk Hall was built. Courtesy of Northwestern University." From text: ""The Northwestern University began the erection of its first building at the northwest c...
  • Old Fort Dearborn
    Image | 1856Caption: "Old Fort Dearborn with surroundings in 1856. By courtesy of Chicago Historical Society."
  • Old West Market Hall
    Image | 1912Caption: "Old West Market Hall: On the site of the present Haymarket Square."
  • O'Leary House
    Image | 1860-1869others scoff at it as a myth. Whatever their cause, the flames spread so rapidly through the neighboring shanties, small frame dwellings and factories, that by the time the first fire engines reached the scene, the wind had carried the fire beyond their control."
  • Orchestra Hall
    Image | 1906Located at 220 S. Michigan Avenue. Designed by D. H. Burnham & Co. and built in 1905.
  • Organizing staff for 1919 campaign
    Image | 1922Caption: "Organizing Staff--1919 Campaign". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Orrington Lunt
    Image | 1912Caption: "Orrington Lunt: Early resident of Chicago and Evanston, and liberal benefactor of Northwestern University". From text: "The first subscription made to the Northwestern University was that of Orrington Lunt for five thousand dollars," and "Among the trustees the school must forever be indebted to the wisdom and munificence of the late Grant Goodrich, Orrington Lunt ...
  • Owings Building
    Image | 1891Caption: "Corner of Adams and Dearborn Sts". From text: "Tower of the quaint Owings Building, fourteen stories, corner Adams and Dearborn Streets, unique in design, and a cloud disturber of the first order--225 feet."
  • Palmer House
    Image | 1906Caption: "This famous hotel, at the corner of State and Monroe streets, was built shortly after the great fire by Potter Palmer, to whose estate it now belongs. Many great political deals were consummated within its walls, and its name is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific."
  • Pant Makers Local 144
    Image | 1922Caption: "Officers and Executive Board Members, Pant Makers Local 144". On photograph: "371 I. P. E. U."
  • Park Club
    Image | 1888From text: "The Park Club had its beginning at a social gathering of the leading gentlemen of South Park early in the spring of 1886. … The selection of its name was the natural sequence of its unrivalled location in the midst of the grand system of parks and boulevards, over whose thousands of acres of lawn and lake its windows look. While the majority of the members of the...